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Multi-word expressions referred to as lexical bundles are the important ‘discourse building blocks’ to construct and signal fluent writing, particularly in an attempt to produce high-quality research articles that can be accepted by reputable journals. A ... see more

The present article is an intertextual study of Flaubert’s novel Madame Bovary and his fragmentary, posthumously published work Dictionary of Accepted Ideas. By listing examples of thematic parallelisms as well as those in formulation, the author proves t... see more

PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification] Tri Winarni Agustini 1) , dan Fronthea Swastawati 1) 1) Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Jurusan Perikanan FAPRIKAN, Universitas Diponegoro – Semarang Diterima  12 Agustus 2002 /Disetujui 8 April 2003 ABSTRACT   Utilization of fishery products efficiently and cooperatively is important to improve esthetical value of the products. Diversification of fishery products is possible to be implemented, both vertically and horizontally. Understanding of their processing technology is very important for fish processors in order to produce healthy products and highly accepted by consumers. In accordance to the government policy about National Food Safety Programs, one of which is to improve the production of processed food, the diversification of fishery processing should be pointed to very focus condition. The consumption of fish is still low in Indonesia (± 21.69 kg per capita per year), while the fishery resources are abundance. Therefore, efforts in increasing consumption of fish by the consumer to reach the target of the national program i.e. 26.5 kg/capita/year are needed.  Production of “Value-added” by diversification method is aimed not only to improve consumption but also to create appetizing products for the consumers. Some examples of “Value Added” product that are becoming popular nowadays include: fish ball, milk fish pressed-cooked, fish nuggets, fish sausage, ekado fish, aji furai, etc. Some products had been sold by home industries but is still possible to produce in industrial scale. The raw material used can be from marine or cultured fish and also frozen surimi, that are potential to be implemented in Indonesia.     

PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification] Tri Winarni Agustini 1) , dan Fronthea Swastawati 1) 1) Staf P... see more
< | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | PEMANFAATAN HASIL PERIKANAN SEBAGAI PRODUK BERNILAI TAMBAH < | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:13pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | (VALUE-ADDED) DALAM UPAYA PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN< | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:12pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | [Utilization of Fishery Products with Added Value to Support Food Diversification]< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:16pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Tri Winarni Agustini < | sup> | 1)< | /sup> |   |  dan Fronthea Swastawati < | sup> | 1)< | /sup> | < | /span> | < | /strong> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:6pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | strong> | < | sup> | < | span style="font-size:11pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | 1) < | /span> | < | /sup> | < | /strong> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Jurusan Perikanan FAPRIKAN |  Universitas Diponegoro – Semarang < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top:6pt | text-align:center | " align="center"> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Diterima< | span> |   |  < | /span> | 12 Agustus 2002 /Disetujui 8 April 2003< | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoTitle" style="margin-top:18pt | "> | < | span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | ABSTRACT < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoTitle"> | < | span style="font-size:10pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |   | < | /span> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Utilization of fishery products efficiently and cooperatively is important to improve esthetical value of the products. Diversification of fishery products is possible to be implemented |  both vertically and horizontally. Understanding of their processing technology is very important for fish processors in order to produce healthy products and highly accepted by consumers.< | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | In accordance to the government policy about National Food Safety Programs |  one of which is to improve the production of processed food |  the diversification of fishery processing should be pointed to very focus condition. The consumption of fish is still low in Indonesia (< | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | font-family:Symbol | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | < | span> | ±< | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |  21.69 kg per capita per year) |  while the fishery resources are abundance. Therefore |  efforts in increasing consumption of fish by the consumer to reach the target of the national program i.e. 26.5 kg/capita/year are needed.< | span> |   |  < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | Production of “Value-added” by diversification method is aimed not only to improve consumption but also to create appetizing products for the consumers. Some examples of “Value Added” product that are becoming popular nowadays include: fish ball |  milk fish pressed-cooked |  fish nuggets |  fish sausage |  ekado fish |  aji furai |  etc. Some products had been sold by home industries but is still possible to produce in industrial scale. The raw material used can be from marine or cultured fish and also frozen surimi |  that are potential to be implemented in Indonesia.< | span> |   |   |  < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> |  < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | text-indent:30pt | "> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> |   | < | /span> | < | /p> | < | br /> | < | p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify | line-height:200% | "> | < | em> | < | span style="font-size:9pt | line-height:200% | " lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"> | < | span> |   | < | /span> | < | /span> | < | /em> | < | /p> | 

El desempeño comunicativo para la interculturalidad, necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/The communicative performance for interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine School El desempeño comunicativo para la interculturalidad, necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/The communicative performance for interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine SchoolObjetivo: reflexionar acerca del desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad, una necesidad y exigencia en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.Método: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el análisis documental, el histórico-lógico, la sistematización, lo que posibilitó analizar y procesar la información encontrada en la literatura científica sobre el tema abordado, conocer los antecedentes del objeto de estudio y sus elementos esenciales, determinar las dimensiones de la variable desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad e interpretar los conocimientos relacionados con los núcleos teóricos abordados.Resultados: la preparación en comunicación intercultural es una necesidad y una exigencia en los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), para cumplir con las exigencias y el encargo social a las instituciones educativas, la Misión de la ELAM, y mandato del líder de la Revolución cubana Fidel Castro Ruz desde la inauguración de la institución.Conclusiones: el desempeño comunicativo de los docentes para la interculturalidad favorece el impulso sistemático y gradual de espacios de interacción positiva, que propicie generalizar relaciones de confianza, intercambio, cooperación y convivencia pacífica, donde las personas se sientan respetadas, aceptadas y apoyadas, ocurran interaccionesfehacientes y justa entre los miembros del grupo, que supere cualquier manifestación de discriminación, y contribuya a que los estudiantes aprendan a ser sensibles, solidarios, comunicativos, flexivos, democráticos, empáticos y tolerantes.ABSTRACTObjective: to reflex about communicative performance for the academicians for the interculturality, necessity and requirement in Latin American Medicine School.Methods: methods of the theoretical level as documental analysis were used, from the historical logical, systematization which allowed to analize and process the information found in the scientific literature about the topic approached, to know the antecedents of the study objective and its essentials elements, to determine the dimension of the variable communicative performance of the academicians for the interculturality and understanding the knowledges rela ted to the approached theorical centers.Results: the preparation on intercultural communication is a necessity and an exigency in the academicians of Latin American Medicine School (ELAM),to carry out with the requirement and social commission of educative institutions, ELAM mission and order of the Cuban Revolution leader, Fidel Castro Ruz from the inauguration of the institution.Conclusion: the communicative performance of the academicians for the interculturality, patronize the systematical swing and gradual spaces of positive interaction that allow to generalize relation of trust, interchange, cooperation and pacific coexisting where people feel respected, accepted and supported, truthful and tourney interactions among the members of the group that overcomes any manifestation of discrimination and contribute to students learning to be sensitive, solidarious, communicative, flexible, democratic, connected and tolerant.

Método: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el análisis documental, el histórico-lógico, la sistematización, lo que posibilitó analizar y procesar la información encontrada en la literatura científica sobre el tema abordado, conocer los anteceden... see more

Financial accelerators and optimizing their performance have always been one of the most important issues in organizations and companies. This mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research was conducted with the aim of providing a model for evaluating the per... see more

Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatment Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatmentObjetivo: aportar conocimiento actualizado sobre la fisiopatologíay el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, mediante un conector booleano AND, encontrado24 citas relacionadas con exactitud del tema y revisadas con susrespectivas referencias. Se utilizaron un total de 45 referenciasbibliográficas pertinentes para el desarrollo de esta investigación.Los queloides son neoplasias benignas del tejido conectivocompuestas de masas densas de colágeno. Su etiología es variabley los tratamientos se direccionan a la exéresis del tejido afectadoy control de la respuesta fibroproliferativa. Los tratamientosaceptados varían desde el manejo médico hasta la resecciónquirúrgica y la combinación de ambos.Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los queloides es un reto para loscirujanos dada su alta recurrencia. Si bien los diferentes tratamientosse conocen de manera amplia y están bien documentados, se hacenecesario emplear conjunta y sucesivamente múltiples técnicasterapéuticas combinadas como la cirugía, infiltración de fármacos,presoterapia, entre otras para aseguran un mejor resultado.Palabras clave: cicatriz patológica; cicatriz queloide; cicatriz;tejido de granulación.ABSTRACTObjetive: to provide updated knowledge of the pathophysiologyand comprehensive treatment of large keloid scars.Development: health science descriptors DeCS - MESHwere constructed, searching in MEDLINE and EBSCO throughPathological scar, Keloid Scar, Cicatrix, Granulation tissue usingAND boolean connector finding 24 articles accurately related to thesubject that were revised with their respective references using a total of 45 bibliographic references for the development. Keloidsare benign connective tissue neoplasms composed of densecollagen masses. Its etiology is variable and the treatments aredirected to the removal of the affected tissue and control of thefibroproliferative response. The accepted treatments vary frommedical management to surgical resection and the combinationof both.Conclusions: treating keloid scars is a challenge for surgeonsgiven its high recurrence. Although therapeutic treatments are welldocumented and widely known, it is necessary to use jointly andsuccessively multiple therapies such as surgery, drugs infiltration,pressotherapy, among others to guarantee a better result.Keywords: pathological scar; keloid scar, cicatrix, granulationtissue.

y el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, m... see more

This article briefly presents the factors that influenced the formation of spiritual and secular pedagogy in Russia. The author presents a brief analysis of the basic characteristics of a widely-accepted approach to pedagogy, characterized by the effort t... see more

AbstractAccording to the South African Health Professions Act No. 56 of 1974, specific skills outcomes of MBChB programmes are that a medical graduate must be able to utilise diagnostic aids, interpret findings and make diagnoses. Imaging techniques are a... see more

Opsomming: Die derde uitgawe van die woordeboek is in 1996 saamgestel in 'n tyd toe diestandaardiseringsproses van terme in die middel van 'n internasionaliseringsproses was. Diemeeste van die Standpunte oor Algemeen Aanvaarde Rekeningkundige Praktyk wat ... see more

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