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In this paper, we review the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Scenarios and their assumptions on biodiversity conservation, using a framework based on the cultural theory (CT) perspectives. We explored an a... see more

This study aims at identifying the current cultural content in the first grade of high school English textbook (ordinary level) in Egypt & modifies it through extra educational values. This is because these values could protect our students according ... see more

This paper delves into the realm of cultural intelligence inherent in Japanese and Indonesian idiomatic expressions. In the context of intercultural communication, Indonesian speakers utilize diverse cultural intelligence frameworks to express various fac... see more

AbstractBackground: ‘Doing what the Romans do in Rome’ was an expression raised by one of the midwives following workplace culture and disregarding women’s birth choices. Midwifery practice in South Africa caters for a culturally diverse ethnic group... see more

Shop signs with English elements are becoming more and more frequent in Vietnam as a result of trade and globalization, requiring thorough investigations into various aspects of English and Vietnamese use in shop signs for further practice. Prior research... see more

Heritage and the Post-Socialist City: Social and Cultural PerspectivesThe paper is a presentation of the latest volume of Colloquia Humanistica. The leading subject of heritage in the post-socialist city is largely commented on with reference to three maj... see more

Se già dagli inizi del secolo scorso la funzione sociale ed educativa del museo era al centro di dibattiti e pioneristiche iniziative a livello internazionale, ripercorrendo gli snodi significativi in Italia per l’instaurarsi di un ruolo attivo delle univ... see more

Abstract: The intersection of the study of travel writing and the study of translation produces two major perspectives: travel writing in translation and translation in travel writing. The first one looks into how the travel narrative is reshaped in a dif... see more

Estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento del desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical strategy for the improvement of the pedagogical performance of the drivers of the Estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento del desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina / Pedagogical strategy for the improvement of the pedagogical performance of the drivers of theObjetivo: analizar el desempeño pedagógico de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina”.Método: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en el que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. En el método de la investigación se utilizaron las indagaciones teóricas donde se manejaron los siguientes métodos teóricos: Análisis documental: en la conformación del marco teórico de la investigación, relacionado con del desempeño pedagógico, de los conductores de los procesos universitarios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Entre otros, el análisis Histórico-Lógico, sistematización, modelación, enfoque de sistema.Resultados: los conductores de los procesos universitarios tienen la responsabilidad de comprender estas perspectivas y operar en virtud de las exigencias planteadas. Las realidades y tendencias afirman que el siglo XXI será de dimensión planetaria, caracterizado por una espesa red de relaciones y dependencias científico-tecnológicas, económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas.Conclusiones: como resultados se espera el cumplimiento de los retos que esperan a los conductores docentes, para propiciar que la Universidad cumpla con su papel social.ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze the pedagogical performance of the drivers of the university processes in the Latin American School of Medicine.Method: a qualitative research model was used in which theoretical and empirical methods were used. In the research method the theoretical investigations were used where the following theoretical methods were handled: Documentary analysis: in the conformation of the theoretical framework of the investigation, related to the pedagogical performance, of the drivers of the university processes in the Latin American School of Medicine. Among others, the Historical-Logical analysis, systematization, modeling, system approach.Results: the drivers of the university processes have the responsibility to understand these perspectives and to operate in virtue of the demands made. The realities and tendencies affirm that the XXI century will be of planetary dimension, characterized by a thick network of relations and scientific-technological, economic, social, cultural and political dependencies.Conclusions: the results are expected to meet the challenges that await the teachers, to encourage the University to fulfill its social role.Keywords: process drivers; pedagogical performance; improvement strategy.

Método: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualitativa en el que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. En el método de la investigación se utilizaron las indagaciones teóricas donde se manejaron los siguientes métodos teóricos: Análisis documental... see more

1 of 8.189 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»