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Literature teaching aims to act as a tool to carry forward the values of ethics and morals in life. It is also oneof the means for the development of literature which aims to expand literature field as well as to increase literature appreciation, improve ... see more

Although there are many Hungarian Studies scholars teaching literature to Hungarian language learners around the world, there are practically no resources available about what is happening in these classes, and what linguistic, literary and cultural chall... see more

In this essay, I reflect on the teaching experiment that I did several years ago in my class on transatlantic short stories and novels of the nineteenth century. As instructors of literature in a university setting, we often face the question of how to te... see more

Abstract This present paper explored historical references of debate trend  to be proposed as one of learning-teaching method. By analyzing the strengths and limitations of debate, the author found that any existing debate format ... see more

Propuesta de estrategia metodológica para la asignatura de Inglés en estudiantes de 4to año de Medicina / A proposal of a methodological strategy to the English subject in medical students of 4th academic degreePropuesta de estrategia metodológica para la asignatura de Inglés en estudiantes de 4to año de Medicina / A proposal of a methodological strategy to the English subject in medical students of 4th academic degreeEl dominio del idioma inglés por parte del personal médico cubano ha constituido una preocupación constante de la política educacional para las escuelas de medicina en Cuba. La impartición de la disciplina inglés ha ido evolucionando y sufriendo cambios según se han perfeccionado los planes de estudio de las diferentes carreras, lo cual se ha valorado a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Desde 1970 Cuba está enviando personal médico a los países de América Latina y el Medio Oriente, pero en especial al continente africano, lo que ha obligado a perfeccionar aún más la preparación del personal médico, en especial en el idioma inglés, debido a los requisitos que se precisan para laborar en esos países. Es por ello que la metodología que se utiliza para impartir la docencia de la disciplina de Inglés con propósitos específicos debe perfeccionarse también, buscando métodos y alternativas que enriquezcan el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje y lo hagan más eficiente, proporcionando herramientas útiles al futuro egresado para su desempeño profesional en el idioma Inglés y también para su propia superación. El presente trabajo brinda un ejemplo de estrategia metodológica aplicada a la asignatura Inglés VII correspondiente al 4to año de la carrera de medicina, lo cual enriquecerá el desarrollo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en ese nivel, contribuyendo al desarrollo eficaz de las habilidades lingüísticas del estudiante y con el objetivo de propiciar una eficaz competencia comunicativa en el futuro egresado.Palabras clave: POLÍTICA DE EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, ENSEÑANZA, Estrategia, COMUNICACIÓN.ABSTRACTThe mastery of English language by Cuban medical personnel has been a permanent cause of concern for the educational politics in Cuban medical schools. The teaching of English language has evolved and changed together with the improvement of the syllabuses in the different degrees; which has been assessed by means of a literature review. Long since 1970, Cuba is sending medical personnel to Latin-American and Middle Eastern countries, particularly to the African continent, requiring a better preparation of these personnel, specifically in English language. Due to the requirements needed to work in these countries, the methodology in use to teach English language with specific purposes must be also improved seeking for methods and alternatives to enrich teaching-learning process to make it more efficient, providing at the same time useful tools to the future graduates for the professional performances in English as well as self-training. The present paper offers an example of a methodological strategy which is applied to the English language subject taught to the medical students in 4th academic degree; the goal is: to enrich the development of the teaching-learning process in this level, and to contribute to an effective acquisition of linguistic skills to achieve communicative competence in the future graduate.Key words: HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY, TEACHING, STRATEGY, COMMUNICATION.

ABSTRACTThe mastery of English language by Cuban medical personnel has been a permanent cause of concern for the educational politics in Cuban medical schools. The teaching of English language has evolved and changed together with the improvement of the s... see more

WeChat as a type of mobile software with social communication attribute and platform function can offer a new platform and application mode for distance education. Real-time communication and good use experience of WeChat can make students have high use r... see more

As a main course of Chinese language and literature major in colleges, Literature Course is one of required courses for students majoring in journalism, hosting and broadcasting, which can cultivate students’ favorable humanistic quality and promote their... see more

Investigación bibliográfica sobre la relación sociedad medicina para el mejoramiento del desempeño docente / Bibliographic research on the relationship medicinepar society to improve teaching performance Investigación bibliográfica sobre la relación sociedad medicina para el mejoramiento del desempeño docente / Bibliographic research on the relationship medicinepar society to improve teaching performance El material bibliográfico elaborado da respuesta al trabajo de perfeccionamiento de la disciplina Sociedad y Medicina, como parte del Banco de Problemas del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Se identificó que en los colectivos de profesores es vital la superación referente a la relación entre la sociedad y la Medicina para el mejoramiento del desempeño docente, por lo que es imprescindible la actualización de la bibliografía sobre el tema. De esta forma se coadyuva a suplir esta carencia de textos bibliográficos con una selección de artículos que pueden ser utilizados por los profesores de la carrera de Medicina, toda vez que ofrece análisis de contenido teórico y humano perdurable. Se utilizó el método teórico la revisión documental, el análisis y la síntesis, el histórico-lógico, la inducción y la deducción y el enfoque sistémico, con apoyo de los buscadores de internet. Se obtuvieron artículos novedosos, elaborados por académicos americanos y europeos, en los que se evidencia el análisis de una variada literatura de actualidad, útil para la comprensión de los contenidos de los programas de la carrera de Medicina. Se concluye que los profesores tienen la oportunidad de apropiarse de los conocimientos con un mayor rigor científico, con los textos seleccionados para consultar y estudiar, que contribuyen a profundizar en los análisis y las reflexiones sobre el tema referido para el mejoramiento del desempeño docente. Palabras clave: Sociedad; Medicina; desempeño docente.ABSTRACT The bibliographic material prepared responds to the improvement work of the Society and Medicine discipline, as part of the Problems Bank of the Department of Social Sciences of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). It was identified that in the groups of teachers it is vital to overcome the relationship between society and medicine for the improvement of teaching performance, so it is essential to update the literature on the subject. In this way, it helps to fill this lack of bibliographic texts with a selection of articles that can be used by professors of the medical career, since it offers analysis of lasting theoretical and human content. The theoretical method used was the documental review, the analysis and synthesis, historic logical, induction and deduction, the systemically approach, with the internet engines support. New articles were obtained elaborated by American and European academic of the Medicine carrier in which is evident the analysis of an updating various literature, useful for comprehension of content of the Medicine carrier. It is concluded that the professors have the opportunity to appropriate of knowledge with high scientific exigency, with the texts selected to consult and study, that contribute to deepen the analysis and reflexions about the topic referred to improve the teaching performance.Keywords: Society. Medicine, teaching performance

ABSTRACT The bibliographic material prepared responds to the improvement work of the Society and Medicine discipline, as part of the Problems Bank of the Department of Social Sciences of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). It was identified... see more

While oral communication skills is considered as an indicator of foreign language proficiency, in Indonesia, these skills seems to receive minium attention. As a result, the learning outcomes, still far from satisying. According to the literatures, teache... see more

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