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Turkey, Turkish Republic


17  Articles
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The research was conducted to determine the physical activity, nutritional behaviors and obesity awareness of young people between the ages of 16-27 in Ankara and to offer a new sports policy. Obesity awareness questionnaire consisting of 20 questions was... see more

The prevalence of obesity is increasing rapidly in the world and in our country. The increasing prevalence of obesity in the community causes the presence of many health problems including diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, as well as the likeli... see more

Çalisma  Mugla’da ilkögretim okulunda okuyan anasinifi ögrencilerinde kan basinci degerleri, kilo, boy ve beden kütle indeksi (BKI) persentilleri, sismanlik ve hipertansiyon sikligi ile bunlarin cinsiyete göre  iliskisini incelemek amaciyla plan... see more

In this study, it is aimed to analyze attitudes of obese students in high school towards physical education according to some variables. 74 secondary education student, 45 of them are girls and 29 boys who studied at three different Anatolian High Schools... see more

This descriptive study was conducted for the purpose of determining the relationship of body mass index in high school students with socio-demographic and some nutritional characteristics. The study group of the study consisted of 530 students between the... see more

Obezite ve demans gittikçe prevalansi artan ciddi saglik sorunlaridir. Son yillarda obezite ve demans arasindaki iliskiyi inceleyen çalismalar artmistir. Obezitenin diyabet, kardiyovasküler hastaliklar, kanser gibi kronik hastaliklarin olusumunda etkisi o... see more

Özellikle son yillarda obezite oranlari tüm dünyada artis göstermektedir. Bu durum birçok problemi de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bir taraftan obezite nedeniyle bireylerin sagliklarinin bozulmasi diger taraftan saglik sorunlarinin meydana getirdigi ciddi m... see more

1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»