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562.433  Articles
1 of 56.244 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
This study was aimed at summarizing theoretical knowledge of students studying Economics, enhancing the educational process and training skills of independent long-term professional upgrade of students (sustainability training) through the use of an Engli... see more

This study attempts to fill a gap in the literature, which focuses its efforts on the analysis of the education for sustainability in formal business courses and not on the incubation spaces at universities. The intention was to understand the sense of de... see more

This study attempts to fill a gap in the literature, which focuses its efforts on the analysis of the education for sustainability in formal business courses and not on the incubation spaces at universities. The intention was to understand the sense of de... see more

This paper reports on case study research into six higher education institutions (three in the UK and three in the USA) that give prominence to their sustainability credentials in their paper form and/or electronic promotional and recruitment materials. T... see more

La formación académica en salud reflejada en los egresados de la ELAM y su vínculo con la teoría Educación Avanzada / The academic education in health reflected in the graduates of the ELAM and its link with the Advanced Education theory La formación académica en salud reflejada en los egresados de la ELAM y su vínculo con la teoría Educación Avanzada / The academic education in health reflected in the graduates of the ELAM and its link with the Advanced Education theoryObjetivo: argumentar sobre la formación académica en salud reflejada en los egresados de la ELAM y su vínculo con la teoría Educación Avanzada.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se utilizaron los métodos: histórico-lógico, el análisisdocumental, la sistematización y el sistémico estructural funcional.Resultados: la formación de recursos humanos se basa en la vinculación de la teoría con la práctica, que se concretaen la combinación del estudio y el trabajo, la unidad de lo concreto y lo abstracto, así como la vinculación de lo individual con lo colectivo. Esta investigación se fundamenta en el sistema de categorías, leyes y principios de la teoría de la Educación Avanzada. Se puede constatar la preparación académica y disposición de los egresados ELAM para intervenir en situaciones de desastres, repercutiendo en el impacto social que genera en toda una comunidad.Conclusiones: la formación de recursos humanos es una contribución de Cuba a un mundo de paz y para la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de salud en los diferentes países con sentido de cooperación e integración de los pueblos y sus gobiernos. Palabras clave: formación; salud, ELAM; teoría Educación Avanzada.ABSTRACTObjective: to argue about the academic education in health reflected in the graduates of the ELAM and its link with the Advanced Education theory.Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, the methods were used: historical-logical, documentary analysis, systematization and functional structural systemic.Results: the training of human resources is based on the linking of theory with practice, which is concreted in the combination of study and work, the unity of the concrete and the abstract, as well as the linking of the individual with the collective. This research is based on the system of categories, laws and principles of the theory of Advanced Education. The academic preparation and willingness of ELAM graduates to intervene in disaster situations can be verified, impacting on the social impact that it generates in a whole community.Conclusions: the training of human resources is a contribution of Cuba to a world of peace and for the sustainability of health systems in different countries with a sense of cooperation and integration of peoples and their governments.Keywords: training; health, ELAM; Advanced Education theory.

Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se utilizaron los métodos: histórico-lógico, el análisisdocumental, la sistematización y el sistémico estructural funcional.Resultados: la formación de recursos humanos se basa en la vinculac... see more

AbstractWhat children learn through their ethics and values education in school is of crucial societal relevance and is directed by school curricula. As curricula vary between countries, an international comparison is of interest. The aim of this study wa... see more

Since the term citizen science emerged, projects involving citizens in science have increased in number and spread to a variety of areas. Citizen science is thus emerging as a mechanism for involving society, stimulating the population's interest in scien... see more

This study aims to analyze the perception of academics in the business course at Faculdade Adventista Paranaense (FAP) about organizational sustainability. To achieve this goal, it was decided to apply in person a questionnaire already validated based on ... see more

One of the specifics of the contemporary social and economic paradigm that we call the knowledge society is the central role of the relationship between education and culture. In the schools of many countries culture no longer exists as a singular element... see more

1 of 56.244 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»