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Bosnia Herzegovina


20  Articles
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We present a 6-month-old male patient, who was consulted with dermatologist by his parents, because of a pigmented lesion, present since birth, covering almost the all skin of the back and buttocks.  A sharply bordered, unequally coloured congenital ... see more

Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer according to American Cancer Society. It is also the third most common cause of death in men and women in US. Colorectal cancer encompasses 5% of all cancer and 29% of gastrointestinal cancer w... see more

Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer with over 1.9 million new cases worldwide in 2020. Accurate patient classification is imperative for the identification of the group of patients likely responding to treatment while conse... see more

RAS pathway mutations have been linked to paediatric B-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (BCP-ALL) prognosis, relapse and chemotherapy resistance. Primary chromosomal and gene fusion abnormalities initiate the development of pre- leukaemic clon... see more

Curso de agroecología en formación de un huerto comunitario en la unidad de salud de la familia Giserlando Biondi, Jequie-Bahia-Nrasil / Course of agroecology in the formation of a community garden in the health unit of the Giserlando Biondi family, Jequi Curso de agroecología en formación de un huerto comunitario en la unidad de salud de la familia Giserlando Biondi, Jequie-Bahia-Nrasil / Course of agroecology in the formation of a community garden in the health unit of the Giserlando Biondi family, JequiObjetivo: realizar curso de Agroecología, con la creación de huertos comunitarios orgánicos, capacitando las comunidades en promoción en salud y prevención de enfermedades, educación alimentar y ambientalMateriales y métodos: la base práctica del curso se basa en la pedagogía del ejemplo, mientras que la base teórica tiene tres pilares principales que se difundirán en múltiplos subtemas, siendo estos: Producción agroecológica y permacultura, educación alimentar y nutricional y técnicas de culinaria alternativa.Resultados: este proyecto permitió identificar agricultores/as que dejaron de hacer uso de agrotóxicos recurriendo al recurso de control biológico, posibilitando un notorio aumento de la biodiversidad local y estimulando a la comunidad a hacer huertos en sus quintales, en plazas abandonadas, terrenos improductivos, entre otros.Conclusiones: un gran cambio observado fue el empoderamiento social e aumento de la autoestima, generado a través del desarrollo de los módulos y la observación de cambios realizados por el colectivo. Además de desarrollo de prácticas de discusión e producción colectiva dentro del SUS.Palabras clave: Agroecología; Agrotóxicos.ABSTRACTObjective: to conduct a course on Agroecology, with the creation of organic community gardens, training communities in health promotion and disease prevention, food and environmental education.Materials and methods: the practical basis of the course is based on the pedagogy of the example, whilethe theoretical basis has three main pillars that will be disseminated in multiple subthemes, these being: Agroecological production and permaculture, food and nutrition education and alternative culinary techniques.Results: this project allowed to identify farmers who stopped using agrotoxins using the biological control resource, allowing a remarkable increase in local biodiversity and stimulating the community to make gardens in their quintals, abandoned squares, unproductive lands, among others.Conclusions: a great change observed was social empowerment and increased selfesteem, generated through the development of the modules and the observation of changes made by the collective. In addition to the development of collective discussion and production practices within the SUS.Keywords: Agroecology; Agrochemicals.

Materiales y métodos: la base práctica del curso se basa en la pedagogía del ejemplo, mientras que la base teórica tiene tres pilares principales que se difundirán en múltiplos subtemas, siendo estos: Producción agroecológica y permacultura, educación ali... see more

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is one of the common sensor system for underground inspection. GPR emits electromagnetic waves which can pass through objects. The reflecting waves are recorded and digitised, and then, the B-scan images are formed. Accordin... see more

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