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Este ensaio apresenta alguns fundamentos teóricos sobre Letramento Crítico (LC) no que diz respeito ao ensino de inglês a partir dos estudos de Souza (2010;2011) e Jordão (2014, 2016). O objetivo deste ensaio é evidenciar as contribuições do LC na elabora... see more

This research was based on the fact that in the discipline of Translation Studies, Translation Criticism (TC) is highly underrated. Not many research that discuss about the issue due to the fact that doing TC is not as simple as flickering your fingers. I... see more

The purpose of this research was to study the significant effect of Earning Per Share and Proceed to Initial Return on Listed Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2013. The method used is quantitative descriptive survey method with a descriptive ... see more

The purpose of this research was to study the significant effect of Earning Per Share and Proceed to Initial Return on Listed Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2013. The method used is quantitative descriptive survey method with a descriptive ... see more

Este texto apresenta a construção de um caminhoconceitual-metolológico para nossas investigações emanálise do trabalho. Buscando alianças potentes, ousamosfazer conexões entre os instrumentos da Clínica daAtividade para pensar o real do trabalho e as ferr... see more

HALLAZGOS ANATOMOPATOLÓGICOS DE LOS FALLECIDOS POR CORONAVIRUS 2019 / PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF THE DECEASED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 HALLAZGOS ANATOMOPATOLÓGICOS DE LOS FALLECIDOS POR CORONAVIRUS 2019 / PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF THE DECEASED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019Objetivo: Caracterizar las autopsias de los fallecidos por la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019.Desarrollo: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a partir de 31 bibliografías. Se consultaron artículos e información de periódicos y revistas nacionales e internacionales y de diferentes sitios web, utilizándose los métodos de sistematización y análisis documental, los cuales permitieron analizar la calidad, fiabilidad y validez de los artículos seleccionados para realizar una adecuada revisión. En diversos países se han hecho investigaciones para poner en conocimiento a la comunidad científica sobre los hallazgos de los estudios de Anatomía Patológica en fallecidos por la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Estos estudios se han realizado en pacientes con diversas edades, color de piel y comorbilidades, evidenciándose la enfermedad difusa alveolar, la coagulopatía, los daños en diversos órganos y los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre el tratamiento de la enfermedad.Conclusiones: Los pulmones de los fallecidos por la COVID-19 macroscópicamente aparecen como órganos edematosos y congestivos y con afectación irregular histológicamente.  la lesión principal es el daño alveolar difuso caracterizado por: congestión capilar, necrosis de neumocitos, membrana hialina, edema intersticial, hiperplasia de neumocitos, atipia reactiva y trombos de fibrina plaquetaria. La trombosis de los vasos sanguíneos constituye un elemento clave en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad junto con la lesión en diversos órganos. El tratamiento anticoagulante pudiera ser útil en el manejo de los pacientes. Las comorbilidades presentes en los fallecidos fueron la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus y enfermedad renal.AbstractObjective: Characterize autopsies of those deceased by coronavirus disease 2019.Development: A bibliographic review was carried out from a total of 31 bibliographic references. Articles and information from national and international newspapers and magazines and from different websites were used.In several countries,research has been done to inform the scientific community of the findings of Pathological Anatomy studies in deaths from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).These studies have been conducted in patients of various ages, skin color andcomorbidities, showing diffuse alveolar disease, coagulopathy, damage to various organs and World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for the treatment of the disease.Conclusions: The lungs of those deceased by COVID-19 macroscopically appear as edematous and congestive organs and with irregular and histologically affected. The main injury is diffuse alveolar damage characterized by: capillary congestion, pneumocyte necrosis, hyaline membrane, interstitial oedema, pneumocystis hyperplasia, reactive atipopiaand platelet fibrin thrombus.Thrombosis of blood vessels is a key element in the pathophysiology of the disease along with injury to various organs.Anticoagulant treatment may be useful in the management of patients.The comorbiditiespresent in the deceased were high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease.

research has been done to inform the scientific community of the findings of Pathological Anatomy studies in deaths from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).These studies have been conducted in patients of various ages, skin color andcomorbidities, showin... see more

Introdução: A morte é cercada pela incompreensão e apreensão ao que se desconhece e tem sido estudada por várias áreas do conhecimento, de modo, a tentar que seja amenizada a aflição gerada pela não infinitude humana devido a incerteza do que ocorre após ... see more

O parto não é totalmente natural, pois há um conjunto de atitudes e de comportamentos socialmente controlados e culturalmente definidos que refletem valores sociais nas diversas sociedades. Sabe-se que fisiologicamente é muito melhor para a mãe e para o f... see more

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