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258  Articles
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Efectividad del manejo sindrómico para reducir las complicaciones de las infecciones de transmisión sexual / Effectiveness of the syndromic management for the reduction of complications in sexually transmitted InfectionsEfectividad del manejo sindrómico para reducir las complicaciones de las infecciones de transmisión sexual / Effectiveness of the syndromic management for the reduction of complications in sexually transmitted InfectionsSe realizó un estudio de cohorte, con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad del manejo sindrómico en la reducción de las complicaciones producidas por las infecciones de transmisión sexual en el municipio San Cristóbal, durante los meses de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2006. La muestra estuvo constituida por el total de pacientes que solicitaron atención médica por presentar secreción uretral, flujo vaginal y/o dolor abdominal bajo en este período. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de encuestas, hojas de cargo y registros hospitalarios. Se efectuó el cálculo de por ciento, tasa y pruebas de significación estadística según procedió. Se concluyó que al inicio del estudio el mayor por ciento de los médicos poseía bajos conocimientos sobre el tema. La enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica aguda fue la complicación más frecuente encontrada antes y después de aplicado al estudio, siendo notoria la reducción que experimentaron todas estas patologías al concluir el mismo, resultando significativo los resultados encontrados. La mayoría de los pacientes de la cohorte A (95,8%) resolvieron su sintomatología antes de los siete días después del tratamiento. Palabras clave: enfermedades de transmisión sexual, salpingitis,enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica. ABSTRACT A cohort study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the Syndromic Management for the reduction of complications produced by Sexually Transmitted Infections was conducted in San Cristobal municipality during both, January 2005 and December 2006. The sample was comprised of the total of patients requesting medical assistance for presenting urethral discharge, vaginal discharge and/or low-abdominal pain during this period of time. Data were collected by means of surveys, charge-sheet and hospital registers. Percentage calculation, rate and statistical significance testing were applied when proceeding. Concluding that, at the beginning of the research a greater percent of doctors had a low level of knowledge about this topic. Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease was the most frequent complication found before and after the study; being noticeable the reduction of all these pathologies when the study was concluded. The majority of the patients included in the cohort-A (95, 8%) solved the symptoms before seven days after the treatment. Key words: sexually transmitted diseases, Salpingitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

ABSTRACT A cohort study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the Syndromic Management for the reduction of complications produced by Sexually Transmitted Infections was conducted in San Cristobal municipality during both, January 2005 and December 2... see more

This research discusses about the types of responding of requesting speech act used in the novel the Heroes of Olympus Series, describes the translation techniques usage and assess the translation quality in terms of acceptability. This research can be cl... see more

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a technique used to teach children with autisme a variety of skills. In ABA, children with autisme often do not receive reinforcers because they have difficulty performing their targeted behaviors, which consequently lea... see more

Employer-sponsored disability accommodation is contingent upon employees being willing to request such accommodation. This paper examines individual, organizational, and institutional predictors of accommodation requests among adult workers with disabilit... see more

Employer-sponsored disability accommodation is contingent upon employees being willing to request such accommodation. This paper examines individual, organizational, and institutional predictors of accommodation requests among adult workers with disabilit... see more

RESUMENLa gestión financiera de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en Biblián desde inicios de la pandemia COVID-19 en el año 2020, ha sufrido escenarios complejos en sus actividades, la declaratoria de la emergencia sanitaria y las restricciones en el ... see more

Geographic information systems or GIS are information systems related to geographical features and are used to manipulate and display information in a geographical area. GIS can also be used for mapping, particularly in raw water areas. At the UPTD PSDA C... see more

The imbalance in the number of workers and customer demand is a problem that must be faced by business actors today. With a chatbot, it can help business people handle thousands of chats from customers who want to ask about sales products. Chatbots can al... see more

1 of 27 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»