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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2024

24 articles in this issue 

Ulwiyah Wahdah Mufassirin Liana,Fitriyati Agustina,Santi Yatnikasari,Vebrian Vebrian

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari bata ringan berbahan dasar limbah bata merah yang digunakan sebagai bahan tambah terhadap kuat tekan bata ringan CLC. Bata merah yang digunakan yaitu berupa bubuk lolos saringan no. 100. Penelitian i... see more

Pags. 1 - 8  

Farlin Rosyad,Agung Rahmatullah

Roads are an important and main foundation in moving the wheels of the public and territorial economy, considering their significant and main ability to support the appropriation of labor and products as well as the versatility of the population. Roads en... see more

Pags. 102 - 107  

Farlin Rosyad,Juliansyah Juliansyah,Wahyuni Wahab

Asphalt concrete is a flexible pavement structure mixed with asphalt concrete which is composed of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and filler material, with asphalt also as a binder. Rice husk ash is the result of burning rice husk waste. Rubber asphalt ... see more

Pags. 108 - 113  

Farlin Rosyad,Aryo Setyaki Syahputra,Wanda Yudha Prawira

This research aims to investigate the impact of variations in coarse aggregate mixtures on concrete compressive strength and to compare the effects of using split and coral aggregates on the resulting concrete compressive strength. The experiments were co... see more

Pags. 114 - 121  

Farlin Rosyad,Mega Putri Pertiwi

Roads are the most important infrastructure in the land transportation system in Indonesia. Guaranteeing a good pavement structure will ensure the continuity of a good transportation system as well. In Indonesia, there is a lot of waste from factories tha... see more

Pags. 122 - 126  

Ega Maryenttry,Firdaus Firdaus,Wanda Yudha Prawira

Concrete is widely used to build infrastructure, with the increasing use of cement in Indonesia causing Portland production to increase and have a negative impact on the environment. This is because in the cement production process the combustion results ... see more

Pags. 127 - 131  

Farlin Rosyad,Donni Kristyanto

Simpang jalan berupa ranah kejadian masalah lalu lintas dan tempat bertemunya ruas jalan dari berbagai arah. Volume lalulintas yang bisa ditompang ditetapkan pada daya tampung jalan itu. Keahlian sebuah simpang berupa komponen pokok guna menetapkan pengat... see more

Pags. 132 - 138  

Sabidin Sabidin,Rinda Karlinasari,Antonius Antonius

Pemerintah Kabupaten Kendal Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki: 227 bh jembatan dengan panjang total: 1.954,85 meter. Apabila terjadi permasalahan pada salah satu jembatan menyebabkan arus lalu lintas mengalami gangguan sedangkan jalur alternatif tidak ada ata... see more

Pags. 139 - 146  

A. Musawwirul Munir Syasmar,Abdul Waris,Mahmud Achmad

Coffee bean fermentation is one of a series of post-harvest processes that can affect the quality of coffee. A biofermenter with a capacity of 1 kg has been made and researched and the results are able to provide good quality to the fermented coffee beans... see more

Pags. 147 - 157  

Armila Armila,M. Iqbal Darussalam,Rudi Kurniawan Arief

This project outlines the design and construction of an open forging machine equipped with a 1.5 HP electric motor and a 5 kg hammer for use in the Material Technology Laboratory. The primary objective was to create a versatile and controlled environment ... see more

Pags. 158 - 163  

I Gede Yohan Kafrain,Hence Roring,Fenny Moniaga

In recent years, there has been a lot of development of wall materials derived from waste, such as husk ash waste, plastic bottle waste, plastic ore waste and fly ash waste. The aim of this research is to make bricks from plastic waste and fly ash waste b... see more

Pags. 164 - 173  

Jana Hafiza,Fachrul Rozi Ramadhan

Mapping (exploration) and distribution of groundwater can be described vertically – horizontally. The distribution of rock formations storing/carrying water (permeable) is called an aquifer. Aquifers are strongly influenced by the degree of porosity and p... see more

Pags. 174 - 183  

Ma’rifatul Mumayyizah,Agata Iwan Candra,Mahardi Kamalika Khusna Ali,Alfina Iskindaria,Farikhatul Mufaidah,Moch. Risjad Aldiansyah,Ilham Rizqi Nurdian Putra,Roid Ahmad Faizin

Jumlah penduduk dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Tulungagung lambat laun semakin meningkat, yang berdampak pada peningkatan serta berkembangnya pembangunan. Dalam mendirikan sebuah bangunan, hal yang pertama kali harus dilakukan adalah penyelidikan ta... see more

Pags. 18 - 30  

Deddy Kurniawan,Asiya Nurhasanah Habirun,Afif Pratama

The Faculty of Law Building of Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra was established in 1986 and is located in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This building functions as a 2-story lecture building using reinforced concrete structural material... see more

Pags. 184 - 192  

Benny Viske,Elfania Bastian,Asiya Nurhasanah Habirun

The construction of the Andalas University ASN flats has been built in the Andalas University area. This building was realized by the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of Public Works dan Public Haousing using 3-storey reinforced concrete con... see more

Pags. 193 - 214  

Arif Budiman,Muhammad Ariandi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sejauh mana pengembangan SIMPEG dengan cara melakukan evaluasi dari segi tingkat penerimaan dengan tujuan SIMPEG dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna, menyederhanakan proses, kemudahaan dan kecepa... see more

Pags. 31 - 43  

Yohanes Pracoyo Widi Prasetyo

Abstract— Proses transmisi data dari transmitter ke receiver pasti akan melalui sebuah kanal transmisi, baik berupa media kabel (wire), maupun udara (Wireless). Dalam sistem komunikasi wireless, sinyal  yang  diterima  dari  kanal ... see more

Pags. 44 - 51  

M. Sang Gumilar Panca Putra,Agus Subrianto,Rio Marpen

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memastikan dengan adanya upgrading/penggantian dan penambahan equipment yang berada di konstruksi Crushing Station CHF 01, kondisi konstruksi dari Crushing Station sendiri dalam kondisi baik dan aman. Pada penelitian ini dilak... see more

Pags. 52 - 63  

Nicko Fadhil Muhammad,Budiono Joko Nugroho

Kota Semarang adalah Ibu Kota Provinsi jawa Tengah, dimana di dalamnya terdapat berbagai macam bangunan vital penggerak pemerintahan, pendidikan dan perekonomian. Seiring bertambahnya tahun maka bertambah juga jumlah penduduk, dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun ya... see more

Pags. 64 - 73  

Yoppi Novriadi,Wardi Wardi,Zuherna Mizwar

This research is to identify and determine human resource factors that influence contractor performance in building construction projects and provide solutions to improve the performance of contractor human resources in Payakumbuh City. This research meth... see more

Pags. 74 - 87  

Sanny Ardhy,Islahuddin Islahuddin

Ti-6Al-4V Extra Low Interstitial (ELI), one of the types of titanium alloys most widely used for orthopedic implants. However, the downside is that titanium is less bioactive. Therefore, Ti-6Al-4V ELI needs to be coated with hydroxyapatite to obtain good ... see more

Pags. 88 - 94  

Arka Dwinanda Soewono,Febrian Andika Gunarko,Rory Anthony Hutagalung,Christiand Christiand

Aquaponik merupakan sistem budidaya yang menggabungkan metode hidroponik dan akuakultur dalam lingkungan yang bersifat saling menguntungkan dan efisien. Akuaponik bila dipadukan dengan teknologi bioflok dapat menghasilkan sistem budidaya tanaman dan ikan ... see more

Pags. 9 - 17  

Farlin Rosyad,Dedek Adriyansah,Irham Irham,Wahyuni Wahab

The road is an infrastructure that plays an essential role in the development of a region which is a connection between one region and another. The concrete asphalt layer (laston) is the most commonly used road violence in the Indonesian region consisting... see more

Pags. 95 - 101