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371.650  Articles
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Juvenile justice develops its intervention taking into account the particularities of the psycho-evolutionary and social moment of young people. Intervention with juvenile offenders has the dual objective of rehabilitating the young and preventing recidiv... see more

The article is devoted to the analysis of the diagnostics of the educational factor influence on the level of intelligence and general intellectual abilities in police officers. In the article, it was also aimed to describe theoretical and practical studi... see more

Although ethics in translation is not a new realm of study, it is almost intact for official translators in Iran. This study aims to evaluate translators’ familiarity and commitment to universally accepted ethical issues. Moreover the present study attemp... see more

Background and objective: From organizational point of view, the evaluation of personnel function is an essential and undeniable duty in the context of the evaluation of individuals' improvement in the course of attaining the organizational goals and miss... see more

The aim of the article is to outline the principles of formation of foreign language competence among future officers of rocket and artillery armament and to classify them on the basis of their typical features. While studying the problem, we have analyze... see more

AbstractBackground: Given the high levels of homophobia that exist in South Africa, including in its schools and universities, it is imperative that university lecturers develop integrated and transdisciplinary curriculums to educate pre-service teachers ... see more

The aim of the article is to outline the principles of formation of foreign language competence among future officers of rocket and artillery armament and to classify them on the basis of their typical features. While studying the problem, we have analyze... see more

Purpose: This study aims to examine the relationship between the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) education background and company performance. We identified educational background levels, namely bachelor, master, doctorate, and certification.Method: This st... see more

Recurso Educativo Abierto: una oportunidad a la innovación y la investigación educativa /Open Educational Resource: an opportunity for innovation and educational research Recurso Educativo Abierto: una oportunidad a la innovación y la investigación educativa /Open Educational Resource: an opportunity for innovation and educational researchObjetivo: compartir algunas ideas alrededor de los recursos educativos en entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje,haciendo énfasis en la posición que podemos adoptar en aprovechar sus potencialidades apoyado en la ubicuidad de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y ponerlas en función del mejoramiento de la calidad en la Educación Superior Cubana.Método: se realizó una revisión documental sobre las tecnologías emergentes encaminado al uso de dispositivos móviles (tablets, Smartphone) así como aspectos en el tratamiento de los códigos de respuesta rápida (QR), entornos colaborativos, contenidos educativos abiertos como herramienta pedagógica como método teórico.Resultados: los recursos educativos abiertos han experimentado un amplio empuje en los últimos años, en particular,por el impulso dado desde el sector educativo desde sus contribuciones en la democratización del conocimiento,en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y en la investigación, ampliando el conocimiento científico, académico y cultural.Conclusiones: las experiencias de los recursos educativos abiertos con el apoyo de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones ofrecen un amplio potencial al introducir cambios en la educación, permitiend instrumentar estrategias educativas innovadoras que faciliten el aprendizaje en los estudiantes, como materiales de apoyo al proceso educativo, su uso, reutilización y modificación le ofrecen al sector educativo nuevas posibilidades para la innovación.ABSTRACTObjective: share some ideas around educational resources in virtual teaching-learning environments, emphasizing the position we can adopt to take advantage of their potential supported by the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technologies and put them in function of the improvement of quality in Cuban Higher Education.Method: a documentary review was made on emerging technologies aimed at the use of mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) as well as aspects in the treatment of rapid response codes (QR), collaborative environments, open educational content as a pedagogical tool as a theoretical method.Results: open educational resources have undergone a broad push in recent years, in particular, due to the momentum given by the education sector from its contributions in the democratization of knowledge, in the teachinglearning process and in research, expanding the scientific, academic and cultural knowledge.Conclusions: the experiences of open educational resources with the support of Information and Communication Technologies offer a wide potential when introducing changes in education, allowing to implement innovative educational strategies that facilitate learning in students, as support materials for educational process, its use, reuse and modification offer the educational sector new possibilities for innovation.

Método: se realizó una revisión documental sobre las tecnologías emergentes encaminado al uso de dispositivos móviles (tablets, Smartphone) así como aspectos en el tratamiento de los códigos de respuesta rápida (QR), entornos colaborativos, contenidos edu... see more

1 of 37.165 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»