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In this paper, we present the findings of a research which has two objectives: firstly, it recorded 12-13 years old (7th grade) students’ mental representation regarding the vision of non-luminous objects, and, secondly, it emphasized on the relative cogn... see more

Mental disease is one among the many problems that are predicted to increase as a side effect of the development process. Difficulties in coping with the changes caused by the development process were among the reasons that were assumed to be one of the s... see more

Mental disease is one among the many problems that are predicted to increase as a side effect of the development process. Difficulties in coping with the changes caused by the development process were among the reasons that were assumed to be one of the s... see more

Although the literature suggests that gambling among older adults is influenced by unique age-related factors, there is little information on the factors associated with the experience of gambling-related problems among older adults. The purpose of this s... see more

Neumonía complicada adquirida en la comunidad: Resolución de los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos en niños Neumonía complicada adquirida en la comunidad: Resolución de los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos en niñosIntroducción: las infecciones respiratorias agudas, sobre todo la neumonía, constituyen un grave problema de salud al ser causa frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad infantil en el mundo. Objetivo: determinar la evolución de los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal;  207 pacientes ingresaron en el Servicio de Neumología del Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", con diagnóstico de Neumonía Complicada adquirida en la comunidad  del 2008 al 2012. Se estudiaron la edad, el sexo, las características clínicas y radiológicas. Todos los pacientes fueron seguidos a su egreso en una consulta especializada, hasta la desaparición de las lesiones pulmonares. Se utilizó el test Chi cuadrado para conocer la posible homogeneidad de grupo. Resultados: hubo un predominio de pacientes en el grupo de edades de 1-4 años (126 para un 61%). Fueron afectados por igual los varones y las hembras. Los hallazgos clínicos más frecuentes fueron la fiebre, en 207 (100%), el murmullo vesicular disminuido, en 197 (95%) y la polipnea, en 148(71%). Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron: el derrame pleural y el absceso pulmonar, en 176 pacientes (85%) y 35(16.9%), respectivamente. La resolución de los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos se produjo en más de la mitad de los pacientes en menos de 2 semanas, seguido de 2-4 semanas, excepto en los pacientes con absceso pulmonar y neumatocele. Conclusiones: la duración de los hallazgos radiológicos fue más prolongada que los clínicos y de estos los que más se prolongaron fueron el murmullo vesicular disminuido, la submatidez y los estertores.Palabras clave: neumonía complicada, neumonía comunitaria, derrame pleural, absceso pulmonar, resolución lenta, características imaginológicas.ABSTRACTIntroduction: acute respiratory diseases overall pneumonia are a critical health problem because are frequent causes of infant morbidities and mortalities around the world. Objective: to determine the evolution of clinical and radiological finding. Material and Methods: a descriptive and longitudinal study was performed it  included 207 patients admitted at the Respiratory Service of the Pediatric University Hospital "Juan Manuel Márquez" with diagnose of Complicated community acquired pneumonia from 2008 up to 2012. The age, sex clinical and radiological characteristics were studied. The entire patient enrolled was following up from the hospital discharged up to lung lesions disappear in the respiratory outpatient consult. Chi-square test was used to know the possible homogeneity’s group. Results: there was a preponderance of patient aged from 1 to 4 years old and were affected male and female equally. The clinical findings most frequent were fiber in 207(100%) vesicular breath sound diminished in 197(95%) and polypnea in 148(71%). The most frequent complications were pleura effusion and lung abscess in 176 (85%) patients and 35(16.9%) respectively. The solution of clinical and radiological findings appeared in the half of patients in less than 2 weeks, followed of 2-4 weeks excepting in patients with lung abscess and pneumatocele. Conclusions:  length of radiological findings was more extended than clinical and from these the most extended were vesicular breath sound diminished, sub dullness and the rattles.Key words: complicated pneumonia, community pneumonia, pleura effusion, slow solution, images characteristics.

Objetivo: determinar la evolución de los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal;  207 pacientes ingresaron en el Servicio de Neumología del Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", con diagnóst... see more

Although the literature suggests that gambling among older adults is influenced by unique age-related factors, there is little information on the factors associated with the experience of gambling-related problems among older adults. The purpose of this s... see more

Aging is a regular and inescapable process that causes some changes on psychology, intelligence qualifications and social relations of people. Importance of clothing increases during elderly stage due to physical changes at the body and limitations arisin... see more

Community Outreach Programs in Addictions (COPA) is a Canadian organization that assists older adults who live with substance misuse and mental health issues. COPA College, a psycho educational mutual aide support group consists of weekly group sessions. ... see more
< | i> | geriatric< | /i> |  | < | i> | addictions< | /i> |  | < | i> | mental health< | /i> |  | < | i> | concurrent disorders< | /i> |  | < | i> | peer support< | /i> |  | < | i> | groupwork< | /i> |  | < | i> | group work< | /i> | 

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