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Administration - Business




15  Articles
1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
In response to an empirical study on scarcity cues in COVID-19, the present study offers a model of the relationship between scarcity cues and revisit intention by integrating perceived value and sensory brand experiences (SBE). The moderation mediation m... see more

Covid-19 has brought a number of changes and impacts on banking system in Nigeria and Indonesia. Although Islamic Banking is not being operated to its optimal in the country, the Pandemic has had significant effect on both the general banking operations a... see more

Humility is a leadership model inherent in Asian culture and is believed to impact employees' productive behavior and attitudes positively. By examining how leader humility affects the workplace's civility climate and innovative work behavior (IWB), the c... see more

Humility is a leadership model inherent in Asian culture and is believed to impact employees' productive behavior and attitudes positively. By examining how leader humility affects the workplace's civility climate and innovative work behavior (IWB), the c... see more

This paper aims to investigate the roles of Islamic work ethics (IWE) as moderators of the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) with job embeddedness and turnover intention, and the mediating effect of job embeddedness on LMX and turnover int... see more

Tulisan ini secara khusus membahas bagaimana standar pelaporan, terutama dalam menampilkan hasil analisis statistik dalam artikel ilmiah secara umum. Secara khusus, catatan editorial ini sekaligus menjadi pedoman untuk seluruh artikel publikasi di Jurnal ... see more

Editorial Note: Statistical techniques to test the validity, especially those from questionnaires, can use three approaches: the SEM approach, single-factor analysis (EFA and CFA), and Multitrait-Multimethod (MT-MM) to test convergent validity and discrim... see more

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya kerja  terhadap kinerja karyawan mikro syariah. Sebanyak 44 orang dijadikan sampel dan hipotesis diuji menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil peneliti... see more

This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of deferred tax liabilitie and corporate leverage on earnings management. The object of research is companies included in the LQ45 index listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the perio... see more

1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»