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The objective of this study to analyze the consequences of active customers number, operational offices, loans granted to net income at PT Pegadaian. Data were quantitative sourced from secondary data taken from official website of PT Pegadaian Indonesia ... see more

Commercial banks unfold a large variety of banking operations. These are determined by the bank policy, retail or corporate. Agricultural clients are less demanding, traditional clients for the banks. For this reason, Romanian banks developed banking serv... see more

Envejecimiento poblacional como reto de la ciencia, la técnica y la sociedad Envejecimiento poblacional como reto de la ciencia, la técnica y la sociedadIntroducción: El incremento en el número de personas ancianas impone un impostergable reto para las políticas y estrategias en salud en aras de satisfacer sus necesidades y brindarles la posibilidad de vivir sus últimos años con excelente calidad de vida. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre la repercusión que en la ciencia, la técnica y la sociedad tiene el envejecimiento poblacional para el mundo y Cuba. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica obtenida desde la biblioteca virtual de salud en INFOMED, a partir de 2006 a 2015, donde se ponen de relieve los problemas sociales de la ciencia y la técnica relacionados con el envejecimiento mundial y específicamente en Cuba. Desarrollo: Los avances tecnológicos y científicos han permitido que hoy gran parte de la vida de una persona transcurra como adulto mayor. La crisis económica mundial que se está viviendo y que afectará a todos en forma proporcional los niveles de desarrollo que se haya alcanzado, deja al lado la salud de la población envejecida y la atención del Estado al sector salud y hasta donde se revisó.  Cuba es uno  de los países que tiene un programa estatal que se ocupa de los 7 aspectos fundamentales necesarios para conseguir una longevidad activa y satisfactoria. Conclusiones: Los adelantos científico-técnicos alcanzados aún no satisfacen  las necesidades de una población envejecida. La inversión que los gobiernos hagan en concepto de ciencia y tecnología para el bien social debe estar encaminada, no solo a prolongar años de vida sino a lograr una calidad de vida satisfactoria en una población mundial que cada día será más envejecida. Palabras clave: Envejecimiento poblacional, adulto mayor, problemas sociales, ciencia, técnica, Cuba, calidad de vida.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The increment in the number of old people imposes an inevitable challenge for the politicians and strategies in health for the sake of to satisfy its necessities and to offer them the possibility to live its last years with excellent quality of life. Objective:  Reflect about repercussion that on the science, the technique and the society has on population aging both to the World and Cuba. Material and Methods: It was carry out a logical historical documental analysis starting from a bibliographical review where are put in relief the social problems of the science and the technique relating to the world aging and specifically in Cuba. Development: The technological advances and scientists have allowed that today great part of the life of a person lapses like elder. The world economic crisis that is living and that it will affect all in proportional form at the developmental levels reached, it leaves at side the aged population's health and the attention from the State to the sector health and up to where we review, Cuba is the only country of the world that has a state program that is in charge of each one of the 7 fundamental aspects that are necessary to get an active and satisfactory longevity. Conclusions: The scientific-technicians advances have not yet reached satisfy the necessities of an aged population. The investment that the governments make in science concept and technology for social one should not be guided to prolong years of life alone also to achieve a quality of satisfactory life in a world population that every day will be more aged Key words: Population aging, Elder, social problems, science, technique, Cuba, life quality 

Palabras clave: Envejecimiento poblacional, adulto mayor, problemas sociales, ciencia, técnica, Cuba, calidad de vida.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The increment in the number of old people imposes an inevitable challenge for the politicians and strategies in hea... see more

At present with the COVID-19 pandemic situation that requires all activities based in the network, starting from work, college, school, everything is based on the network. Certain provider users will experience excessive data plan usage. This also has an ... see more

The background of the selection of this theme is because of the data obtained from the Bank of Muamalat Indonesia, Pangkalpinang Branch on the collection of third party funds (DP3) for the performance of deposit products indicating an increase in funds co... see more

The role of human resources reliable and professional in order to increase performance isneeded, because it will affect the survival of the company. The phenomenon that often occursin PT Prudential Life Assurance is the declining performance of the agency... see more

Credit cards are one way to facilitate buying and selling transactions involving banks / issuing companies, credit card holders and sellers. Banking is quite optimistic in the future, the credit card business can provide significant benefits. In the pract... see more

With the rapid development of cloud computing, the demand for infrastructure resources in cloud data centers has further increased, which has already led to enormous amounts of energy costs. Virtual machine (VM) consolidation as one of the important techn... see more

One of the strategies in order to compete in Batik  MSMEs  is to look at the characteristics of the customer. To make it easier to see the characteristics of  customer buying behavior, it is necessary to classify customers based on similari... see more

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