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Comparison figures prominently in the polemics of the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula in premodern and early modern times. Its pervasiveness as a figure of thought in their sources raises the question of variety in regar... see more

Using comparisons to disparage others is a technique we all know from everyday life. In discourses of religious diversity, such polemical comparisons also play a prominent role in the making and unmaking of inter- and intra-religious boundaries and hierar... see more

Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) is a type of credit was given by Bank for segmen business Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKMK). Along with the high interest of the community in applying for credit to the Bank, it raises its own problems, namely determini... see more

Bright sunshine duration (BSD) data are required for simulating biomes using process-based vegetation models. However, monthly global paleoclimate datasets that can be used in paleo data–model comparisons do not necessarily contain BSD or radiation data. ... see more

AbstractThis article examines a number of comparisons and contrasts in Mark 5:21–43, stories of two different kinds of healing that took place one morning when Jesus returned to Capernaum from the region of the Gerasenes (Mk 5:1, 21). The interlocking sto... see more

Impacto de la capacitación en la mejora continua de la calidad del diagnóstico citológico / The effect of technical training for the continuous improvement of the quality in cytological diagnosisImpacto de la capacitación en la mejora continua de la calidad del diagnóstico citológico / The effect of technical training for the continuous improvement of the quality in cytological diagnosisLos indicadores generales de la eficacia en los programas de prevención del cáncer cervical se mantienen altos en nuestro país. Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto de la capacitación técnica en la mejora continua del diagnóstico citológico del cuello uterino en el Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado", período 2005-2007. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio de intervención-acción para medir el efecto de la capacitación en la calidad del diagnóstico de los citotecnólogos, medido mediante la correlación entre un primer diagnóstico emitido por el personal técnico y un segundo por un especialista en Anatomía Patológica, de una muestra de 22864 citologías. Se utilizaron las variables de concordancia en general y por el tipo de lesión, y aplicó la estadística descriptiva para variables cualitativas categóricas, expresadas en frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales. Las comparaciones de frecuencias se verificaron mediante el estadígrafo de Ji cuadrado al 95 % de confianza y la prueba de kappa para la correlación entre observadores. Resultados. Se encontró un incremento de la concordancia en el 2007 con relación al periodo 2005-2006, resultado altamente significativo (X2 = 75.0; gdl = 1; p = 0.00000001). La concordancia de acuerdo al diagnóstico se incrementó con la excepción del NIC-III. Conclusión. Se comprobó que la capacitación influyó en la mejoría continua de la calidad del diagnóstico citológico. Palabras clave: cáncer/prevención, citología,diagnóstico. ABSTRACT In our country general indicators to assess the effectiveness of Programs for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer keep high. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of the technical training for the continuous improvement of cytological diagnosis of the cervical cancer at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, during 2005-2007. Design: An intervention-action research was conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of the technical training process for improving quality in the diagnosis performed by the technicians of the specialty, measured through the correlation between the first diagnosis issued by technical personnel and a second one by the Pathologist, taken from a sample of 22864 cytologies. General concordance and the type of lesion were the variables used, applying descriptive statistics for categorical qualitative variables expressed in absolute frequencies and relative percentages. Frequency comparisons were verified by means of a chi square test, 95% of confidence and Kappa test for the correlation among observers. Results: An enhancement of concordance was found in 2007 in relation to the period of 2005-2006, highly significant (X2 = 75.0; gdl =1; p = 0.00000001). Concordance regarding the diagnosis increased, except in NIC-III. Conclusion: It was proved that technical training process influenced on the continuous improvement of the quality for cytological diagnosis. Key words: cancer/prevention, cytology, diagnosis.

ABSTRACT In our country general indicators to assess the effectiveness of Programs for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer keep high. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of the technical training for the continuous improvement of cytological diagnosis o... see more

Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Methode der Sprachvergleiche im Tertiärsprachenunterricht aus der subjektiven Perspektive von Fremdsprachenlehrpersonen. Anhand von Interviews mit Lehrkräften, die in der französischen Schweiz Englisch nach Deutsch als ... see more

The work represents an in-depth analysis of employment and productive capacity in Italy. The author first looks at participation rates in the official statistics and international comparisons before considering other attempts to measure the labour force a... see more

1 of 260 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»