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Nefrolitiasis de infección: caso clínico / Nephrolithiasis of infection: clinical caseNefrolitiasis de infección: caso clínico / Nephrolithiasis of infection: clinical caseSe presenta un caso de litiasis de infección, conocida con el nombre de cálculos de estruvita y asociado a una enfermedad metabólica subyacente y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de reciente debut, el cual se manifestó con oliguria e infección, como resultado de una obstrucción urinaria bilateral parcial. El paciente de 48 años de edad, con antecedentes de cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial y de expulsar cálculos de riñón, consultó su caso el 21 de enero de 2009. Manejaba cifras de creatinina, glicemia y acido úrico normales anterior al ingreso y estas tuvieron un comportamiento ascendente durante la obstrucción, excepto el ácido úrico. En el diagnóstico aportaron datos de interés la ecografía renal y de próstata, la Uro-TAC y gammagrafía renal con MAG-3. El diagnóstico diferencial incluyó toda causa extrínseca e intrínseca, esta última relacionada con cálculos, coágulos o papila renal necrosada, que provocaran alteración al libre flujo urinario. Se estableció como patrones de buena evolución, la recuperación del volumen urinario, la normalización de la glucemia y creatinina, así como la permanencia del urocultivo  negativo. El manejo terapéutico motivó a la utilización de la nefrolitotomía percútanea como una de las opciones que ofrecen los procederes endorulógicos, además del control de las enfermedadesde base,lo que resultó una favorable evolución del caso.Palabras clave: LITIASIS RENAL, DIAGNÓSTICO, OBSTRUCCIÓN URETRAL / tratamiento.ABSTRACTA clinical case of lithiasis of infection is presented, known as calculi of struvite associated to an underlying metabolic disease and diabetes mellitus type-2 of recent onset, with oliguria and infection as a result of a partial bilateral urinary infection. A 48 years-old patient having medical records of ischemic heart disease, hypertension and expulsion of kidney stones attended to the office in January 21, 2009 presenting normal values of creatinine, glycemia and uric acid before the admission; these values increased during the obstruction, except the uric acid. Renal and prostate imaging, the Uro-Computerized axial tomography and renal scintigraphy with MAG-3 showed data of interest. Differential diagnosis included extrinsic and intrinsic causes, the last one related to calculi, clots or renal necrotic papilla causing disorder of the free urinary flow. Patterns of good progress were established: recovery of the urinary volume, normal levels of glycemia and creatinine and a permanent negative uroculture. Therapeutic management motivated the use of percutaneous nephrolithotomy as one of the choices for endourologic procedures, as well as the control of the underlying diseases, being favorable for a good progress of the case.Key words: NEPHROLITIASIS, DIAGNOSIS, URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION/treatment.

ABSTRACTA clinical case of lithiasis of infection is presented, known as calculi of struvite associated to an underlying metabolic disease and diabetes mellitus type-2 of recent onset, with oliguria and infection as a result of a partial bilateral urinary... see more

Introduction. Every year the number of cancer patients with colorectal cancer is growing. The severity of the condition of patients is often due to hyperfunction of reactive oxygen species with subsequent violation of the body's antioxidant defenses. Ther... see more

Hyperplastic processes of endometrium represent an extremely important, complex and multi-faceted problem of practical gynecology, because it takes from 10 to 50% in the gynecological pathology structure, and its incidence is increasing steadily. At the s... see more

Philosophy for Children is an important educational programme that engages children in philosophical inquiry as the means to make sense of the world. A key to its success is that participant’s progress with making sense of the world or, more colloquially,... see more

The present research aimed to reveal principals’ opinions about professional maturity levels of teachers within the scope of maturity theory of Argyris.The research was carried out with survey model. It was conducted with qualitative research design which... see more

Introduction: Anorexia nervosa is a severe, usually chronic, life-threatening disease of complex etiology characterized by food restriction, overestimation of the importance of body weight and image, intense fear of weight gain and distortion of body... see more

Method: The study was descriptive research. The population in this study were children underjive who experience barriers to progress in Magelang District, ages 3 to 60 months were divided in 13 groups according to age development DDTK guidelines.Conclusio... see more

Philosophy for Children is an important educational programme that engages children in philosophical inquiry as the means to make sense of the world. A key to its success is that participant’s progress with making sense of the world or, more colloquially,... see more

Chondrocytes of the growth plate undergo apoptosis during the process of endochondral ossification, as well as during the progression of osteoarthritis. Although the regulation of this process is not completely understood, alterations in the precisely orc... see more

1 of 41.200 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»