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This study is focused on determining the health status of each district/city in Java using the K-means Binary Search Centroid and Dynamic Kmeans algorithms. The research data uses data on the health profile of Java Island in 2020. Comparative algorithms w... see more

PT. Galaxi Energi Pratama (GEP) is one of the biggest distributors of subsidized LPG in Malang Raya area. Currently the route planning is not done very well, which results in a high fuel cost. With the company's main business process being distribution, t... see more

Graph search algorithms and shortest path algorithms, designed to allow real mobile robots to search unknown environments, are typically run in a hybrid manner, which results in the fast exploration of an entire environment using the shortest path. In thi... see more

The discipline of digital forensics requires a combination of skills, qualifications and knowledge in the area of forensic investigation, legal aspects and information technology. The uniqueness of digital evidence makes the adoption of traditional legal ... see more

Today, there is a serious need to improve the performance of algorithms for detecting objects in images. This process can be accelerated with the help of preliminary processing, having found areas of interest on the images where the probability of object ... see more

The intensification of industrial activity in shallow water areas and the growing requirements for the safety of their use determine the urgency of developing new technologies for monitoring their underwater environment. The monitoring tasks include mappi... see more

PRINCIPALES CAUSAS DE MORTALIDAD EN UN POLICLÍNICO DE LA CAPITAL DE CUBA. 2017 / MAIN CAUSES OF MORTALITY IN A POLYCLINIC IN THE CAPITAL OF CUBA. 2017 PRINCIPALES CAUSAS DE MORTALIDAD EN UN POLICLÍNICO DE LA CAPITAL DE CUBA. 2017 / MAIN CAUSES OF MORTALITY IN A POLYCLINIC IN THE CAPITAL OF CUBA. 2017Introducción: Las Estadísticas de Mortalidad forman parte de las Estadísticas Vitales, de gran interés para el  quehacer en salud. Son aquellas que tienen como propósito conocer el número de defunciones habidas en determinada colectividad humana durante un periodo de tiempo definido.Objetivo: Determinar las principales causas de muerte del Policlínico Gregorio Valdés Cruz perteneciente al área de salud del Consejo Popular Cojímar  del Municipio de Habana del Este en el año 2017.Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal donde se revisaron los certificados de defunciones de 96  pacientes fallecidos en esta área.Resultados: Dentro de las causas de muerte predominaron los fallecidos por tumores malignos (36,4%) seguido de las enfermedades del corazón (33,3%). En relación con el sexo existió un predominio en el sexo femenino, los fallecidos de 65 años y más fueron los que más predominaron con un 79,2%. Dentro de los tumores malignos los que más representación tuvieron fueron pulmón (45,7%) y colon-recto y mama (11,4%).Conclusiones: Predominaron las defunciones en el adulto mayor siendo la neoplasia la principal causa de muerte, por lo que se recomienda aumentar las pesquisas activas para el diagnóstico precoz de las enfermedades oncológicas.Palabras clave: causas de muerte; certificado de defunción; tumores malignos.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The statitics of mortality are part of the vital statistics of great interest for the work in health. They haveas purpose to know a number of deaths occured in certain human community during a period of definition time.Objective: To determine the main death causes of the clinical center Gregorio Valdés Cruz that belongs to the health area of Cojímar Community, Habana del Este, Havana Province in the 2017 year.Materials and methods: It was made a descriptive study of transversal cut. It was checked all the death certificate of dead patients in this area.Results: The main causes of death were malignant tumor (36,4%), followed by heart disease (33,3%). Patients aged 65 years and older predominated, belonging to the female sex (79,2%). Referring to malignant tumors, the mostrepresentatives were lungs (45,7%) and colon-rectum and breast (11,4%).Conclusions: Deaths in older adults were predominant, being the malignant tumor, the main cause for this reason it is necessary to recommend the increasing of active search of an early diagnostic of cancer illnesses.Key words: Death causes; death certificate; malignant tumors. 

Introduction: The statitics of mortality are part of the vital statistics of great interest for the work in health. They haveas purpose to know a number of deaths occured in certain human community during a period of definition time.Objective: To determin... see more

The design of the elliptical antenna arrays is relatively new research area in the antenna array community. Backtracking search optimisation algorithm (BSA) is employed for the synthesis of elliptical antenna arrays having different number of array elemen... see more

One element of development gap has been scarcity of energy and power supplyin the less developed areas in our country. Moreover, within prevailing energycrisis and increasing cost of power generation using fossil fuels or nuclearenergy search for unconven... see more

1 of 9.615 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»