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11  Articles
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The number of students of the Bachelor Agribusiness Study Program who have done entrepreneurship is currently known to be only around 2%. Agribusiness bachelor student's decision to become entrepreneurs are affected by several factors, including motivatio... see more

The majority of youth today do not choose jobs as farmers because they are considered unprofitable for life. This study aims to: (1) analyze youth perceptions of the rice farming profession, (2) analyze the simultaneous or partial influence of income, cap... see more

Problems faced by Farmers in Colomadu District is about the lack of price guarantees and market guarantees. These problems can be overcome by doing partnerships, with agriculture cooperative, for instance. Partnership is a form of cooperation between farm... see more

Weak capital and market information encourage farmers to access agricultural institutions, one of which is cooperatives. Most farmers prefer using the services of middlemen to cooperatives. This condition is influenced by differences in farmers' use of se... see more

Cohesiveness, leadership style of the farmer group leader and motivation are important in determining the activity of members to achieve the goals of the farmer group itself. This study aims to analyze the effect of cohesiveness, leadership style and moti... see more

The research objective was to create a structural model to link social, economic, and environmental variables to the sustainability of the beef cattle business. One hundred twenty beef cattle farmers in Pati Regency were taken as respondents. The exogenou... see more

Modal sosial merupakan suatu rangkaian proses hubungan antar manusia yang ditopang oleh jaringan, norma-norma dan kepercayaaan sosial yang memungkinkan efisiensi dan efektifitas koordinasi serta kerjasama untuk keuntungan bersama. Tujuan penelitian adalah... see more

Animo pelajar untuk bisa melanjutkan pendidikan ke tingkat perguruan tinggi saat ini sangatlah tinggi, salah satunya adalah program studi agribisnis. Hal ini tentu bertolak belakang dengan rendahnya minat pemuda untuk menjadi petani. Paper ini kemudian be... see more

Kampong chicken is an indigenous chicken that gains popularity among consumers andit has good potentialsas a livestock commodity. But, the problem is most kampong chicken were kept in free range system without any standard of the rearing procedure and tim... see more

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