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Nurse turnover can affect the accessibility of healthcare services, quality of patient care, and nurse well-being. Various individual and contextual factors have been found to predict nurse turnover. A growing body of evidence now suggests the emergence o... see more

Nurse turnover can affect the accessibility of healthcare services, quality of patient care, and nurse well-being. Various individual and contextual factors have been found to predict nurse turnover. A growing body of evidence now suggests the emergence o... see more

Open educational resources (OER) constitute a curriculum innovation that is considered revolutionary and has the potential to change the landscape of curriculum at all levels and content areas. OER have gained attention and widespread acceptance by educat... see more

Las Cátedras Multidisciplinarias y Honoríficas de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina: una vía para la formación de recursos humanos / The Multidisciplinary and Honorary Chairs of the Latin American School of Medicine: a way to train human resources Las Cátedras Multidisciplinarias y Honoríficas de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina: una vía para la formación de recursos humanos / The Multidisciplinary and Honorary Chairs of the Latin American School of Medicine: a way to train human resourcesObjetivo: fundamentar los logros obtenidos por las Cátedras Multidisciplinarias y Honoríficas de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina en la formación de recursos humanos.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva que estudió la población y sus necesidades, se sustentó en el paradigma materialista dialéctico y se aplicaron los métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos para la obtención, el procesamiento y el análisis de los resultados.Resultados: La participación en eventos, la realización de seis talleres provinciales dedicados al desempeño de las cátedras en la escuela y el aumento de los miembros en cada una de ellas constituyeron algunos de sus principales resultados.Conclusiones: el trabajo de las Cátedras Honoríficas y Multidisciplinarias en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina está en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales de la sociedad cubana y contribuye a la formación integral de profesores, trabajadores y estudiantes que la integran, potenciando su participación en el funcionamiento de actividades, con el empleo del tiempo en una superación académica, cultural y política de alto valor social.The Multidisciplinary and Honorary Chairs of the Latin American School of Medicine: a way to train human resourcesABSTRACTObjective: to base the achievements obtained by the Multidisciplinary and Honorific Chairs of the Latin American School of Medicine in the training of human resources.Methods: a descriptive investigation was carried out that studied the population and its needs, it was based on the dialectical materialist paradigm and the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied to obtain, process and analyze the results.Results: The participation in events, the realization of six provincial workshops dedicated to the performance of the chairs in the school and the increase of the members in each one of them constituted some of their main results.Conclusions: the work of the Honorary and Multidisciplinary Chairs in the Latin American School of Medicine is in correspondence with the current demands of Cuban society and contributes to the integral formation of professors,workers and students that integrate it, enhancing their participation in the functioning of activities, with the use of time in an academic, cultural and political improvement of high social value.  

Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva que estudió la población y sus necesidades, se sustentó en el paradigma materialista dialéctico y se aplicaron los métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos para la obtención, el procesamiento y el anális... see more

Materiales didácticos digitales para la asignatura Biología Molecular de la carrera de Medicina / Digital didactic materials for the subject Molecular Biology of the Medicine career Materiales didácticos digitales para la asignatura Biología Molecular de la carrera de Medicina / Digital didactic materials for the subject Molecular Biology of the Medicine careerObjetivo: elaborar recursos educativos digitales para el aprendizaje de la asignatura Biología Molecular en la carrera de Medicina.Materiales y métodos: se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualicuantitativa. Se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos.Resultados: se decidió elaborar recursos educativos digitales para los temas de membranas, macromoléculas, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos, transcripción y biocatalizadores y membranas con la utilización de la aplicación o exelearning  , la que facilitó la navegación, la escritura y copia de textos desde otras aplicaciones, la inclusión de imágenes, sonidos, vídeos y, así como la realización de actividades para la evaluación del contenido.Conclusiones: se elaboran tres recursos educativos para la asignatura Biología Molecular y se trabaja en los restantes materiales, los que cuentan con animaciones de diversos procesos, textos para reafirmar los conocimientos y cuestionarios para autoevaluarse.ABSTRACT Objective: to develop digital educational resources for learning the subject Molecular Biology in the career of Medicine.Materials and methods: a qualitative quantitative research model was used. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.Results: it was decided to develop digital educational resources for the topics of membranes, macromolecules, proteins and nucleic acids, transcription and biocatalysts and membranes with the use of the application or exelearning, which facilitated navigation, writing and copying of texts from other applications. , the inclusion of images, sounds, videos and, as well as the realization of activities for the evaluation of the content.Conclusions: three educational resources are elaborated for the subject Molecular Biology and work is done on the remaining materials, which have animations of various processes, texts to reaffirm the knowledge and questionnaires to self-evaluate.Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), digital teaching materials, molecular biology.

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop digital educational resources for learning the subject Molecular Biology in the career of Medicine.Materials and methods: a qualitative quantitative research model was used. Theoretical and empirical methods were used.Result... see more

In this study an investigation using log-files of teachersâ?? Collections of educational resources in two different platforms was conducted. The goal was to find empirical evidence from the field that teachers use and reuse learning resources that are in ... see more

Research aims: The aims of this study is to prove the alleged effect of organizational resource slack on corporate social responsibilities (CSR) expenditures. The types of organizational resource slack examined in this study are financial slack, human res... see more

Extensive research has taken place over the years to examine the barriers of OER adoption, but little empirical studies has been undertaken to map the amount of OER reuse. The discussion around the actual use of OER, outside the context in which they were... see more

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