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16  Articles
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TGD approach leads to a prediction that biophotons result when dark photons with large value of effective Planck constant and large wavelength transform to ordinary photons with same energy. The collaboration with Lian Sidorov stimulated a more detailed... see more

This paper puts forth the possibility of healing the human subtle system using light modulated and transformed by kaleidoscopes designed in Fibonacci proportions, mathematical relationships ubiquitous throughout the universe. It draws parallels between th... see more

Living organisms have the ability to derive energy ftom the Aether. The Aether Derived Energy (ADE) is readily stored in aqueous moiety. In the human organism the ADE is utilized in physiologic functions and any excess is emitted. The excess energy is wha... see more

The new sciences of biophotons and torsion fields provide a bridge between two views of life: the old twentieth century view of an organism as a chemical machine and the emerging view of life as communication and energetic flows. In the new para... see more

The main point of this paper is to frame a process that will create a physiology to support the emerging view of human capabilities with phenomena and biostructures that have been and continue to be discovered by both MEST and MESTIC sciences. Underl... see more

An intrinsic calibration method is proposed as a general approach to isolating specific variables of mind-matter interactions. Also described are additional protocols designed  to identify REG, electromagnetic and metabolic signatures of information/... see more

Michael Persinger's group reports three very interesting experimental findings related to EEG, magnetic fields, photon emissions from brain, and macroscopic quantum coherence. The findings also provide support for the proposal of Hu and Wu that nerve p... see more

Motivated by a need to understand his experimental findings, Robert Becker has proposed that living matter behaves as a semiconductor in a wide range of length scales. Direct currents flowing only in a preferred direction would be essential for the functi... see more

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