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Volume 5 Number 1 Year 2017

13 articles in this issue 

George R Williams

In this paper I explore what Bohm’s implicate order might suggest with respect to understanding different facets of psi. In particular, I focus on the recent debate on interpreting the findings for the Global Coherence Project, where alternative explanati... see more


Marcus T Anthony

Inspiration and insight in the sciences, education, business and arts are typically assumed to be founded upon neuro-centric cognitive processes. Personal experience and sensory data are  often believed to be all that an individual may draw upon in t... see more


Guy Lyon Playfair

For at least two centuries, there has been speculation that there is something “special” about how twins communicate, notably monozygotic (MZ) or “identical” ones, but also though less frequently if they are dizygotic (DZ) – fraternal or non-identical. (A... see more


Chris H Hardy

Five types of processes display a ‘beyond spacetime’ property—or nonlocality as evidenced in the quantum entanglement—, including psi, proven to operate beyond-brain and beyond-spacetime. Together, these five anomalies are not only at odds with Relativity... see more


James Lake

Near-death experiences (NDE) raise important questions about the nature of human consciousness, the relationship between brain function and consciousness, the perceptual information that is available to consciousness in moments before death, the role of p... see more