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364.623  Articles
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AbstractYouth ministry as a sub-discipline of practical theology has traditionally always had an ecclesial focus. The focus was often based on the practices of proselytisation and discipleship, a sort of ‘reach and teach’ model whereby Christian believers... see more

Futurists from the MZO: Self-Organisation of the Ministry of the Recovered Territories in Time and SpaceAmong the tasks of the Ministry of the Recovered Territories, which existed in the years 1945–1949, was planning the development of former German terri... see more

Faithfulness is often a virtue that sustains a mission of service. This study aimed to tell the experience one of the important actors (participants), a pastor. What are the dimensions that can build a faithful construction, especially in church services ... see more

This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of SIM SIAGA on PAIS teacher management services at the office of the Ministry of Religion (KEMENAG) Medan City. Descriptive qualitative research is used in the article. Data collection was carried out for 3 ... see more

AbstractThis article gives an overview of diversity in the South African Department of Correctional Services and how it challenges the ministry of chaplains. The diversity is manifest in the religious affiliations of inmates, crime categories, various cat... see more

AbstractThe article focuses on abusive practices in the faith community. It indicates that abusive behaviour is more often than not unintentional and is ostensibly driven by a zeal for God and the church. The article explores this anomaly by examining t... see more

Caracterización clínico epidemiológico de la COVID-19 en pacientes de Gibara, Holguín, abril 2020 / Epidemic and clinical characterization of COVID-19 patients from Gibara, Holguin, April, 2020 Caracterización clínico epidemiológico de la COVID-19 en pacientes de Gibara, Holguín, abril 2020 / Epidemic and clinical characterization of COVID-19 patients from Gibara, Holguin, April, 2020Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico epidemiológico enpacientes portadores de la COVID-19 de Gibara, Holguín, duranteel período comprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020.Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación de serie decasos, para caracterizar el comportamiento de la COVID-19 enpacientes del municipio de Gibara, Holguín, durante el períodocomprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020. El universoestuvo constituido por todos los casos confirmados con el virusSARS-CoV2. Los datos fueron tomados de los informes estadísticosde la Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología y de la encuestaaplicada a todos los pacientes.Resultados: el estudio incluyó a 30 pacientes. Presentaronevolución clínica estable 28 casos y falleció un paciente para unatasa de letalidad del 3,33%; 14 de ellos resultaron asintomáticos(46,66%). Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: tos y fiebre,con 11 casos (36,66%), respectivamente; 26 pacientes fueronautóctonos, contacto de caso positivo (86,67%). Los consejospopulares de la ciudad cabecera municipal presentaron el 80% delos casos y una tasa del 31,15 por 105.Conclusiones: la COVID-19 en Gibara tuvo un mayorcomportamiento en el sexo masculino y el grupo etario de 19 a40 años. Más de las tres cuartas partes de los pacientes estánrecuperados, más de la mitad estaban asintomáticos, la tos fue elsíntoma más presentado y los consejos populares de la ciudad deGibara, tuvieron más de las tres cuartas partes de los casos.Palabras clave: COVID-19; epidemiología; sintomatología.ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize the epidemic and clinical behavior inpatients suffering from COVID-19 in Gibara, Holguín, in April 2020.Materials and methods: a research of series of cases was carriedout to characterize the behavior of the COVID-19 in patients of themunicipality of Gibara, Holguín from April 1st to the 30th, 2020.The universe was all the confirmed cases with SARS-CoV2 virus.The data were taken from the statistical reports of the MunicipalUnit of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and from the survey applied toall the patients.Results: the study included 30 patients, 28 cases presented astable clinical evolution and there was a deceased, for a lethal rateof 3,33%; there were 14 asymptomatic patients, which represents46,66%. The most frequent symptoms were: cough and fever in11 cases, 36.66%; 26 patients were autochthonous contacts ofpositive cases (86,67%). The local neighborhoods from the citycenter had 80% of the cases and a rate of 31.15 X 105.Conclusions: the COVID-19 in Gibara had more influence in themales, and the most affected age group was from 19 to 40. Morethan three quarter of the patient are already recovered, morethan half were asymptomatic, the cough was the most commonsymptom and the local neighborhhoods of the city had more thanthree quarters of the cases.Keywords: COVID-19; epidemiology; symptoms.

pacientes portadores de la COVID-19 de Gibara, Holguín, duranteel período comprendido desde 1 hasta el 30 de abril de 2020.Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación de serie decasos, para caracterizar el comportamiento de la COVID-19 enpacientes ... see more

Penempatan auditor di kantor wilayah merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan tugas dan fungsi pengawasan di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM khususnya di kantor wilayah. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa faktor pendorong dan kendala dalam ... see more

AbstractThis article gives an overview of diversity in the South African Department of Correctional Services and how it challenges the ministry of chaplains. The diversity is manifest in the religious affiliations of inmates, crime categories, various cat... see more

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