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Social Sciences


Turkey, Turkish Republic


9  Articles
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Purpose: It is known that women and men may have different performance in some cognitive tasks and different hemispheric specializations. However, results of the sex difference studies are not always consistent. Recent studies indicate that some cognitive... see more

Sevcan Sönmez’in Metis Yayinlari’ndan çikan “Filmlerle Hatirlamak: Toplumsal Travmalarin Sinemada Temsil Edilisi” isimli kitabi, yukarida bahsi geçen sorunun Türkiye sinemasini kapsaminda sorulmasini saglar. Kitabin temeli, yazarin “Sinema ... see more

The birth is an individual and also important expression for women life. This experience can be perceived in a different way by each woman that can be defined by different feelings such as positive, negative or mixed. Some women perceive birth experience ... see more

Despite multiple window interfaces have eliminated some user-interface problems by showing information in independent windows, disorientation, cognitive overload and split attention keeping up to date as an important problems of e-learning interfaces. The... see more

The ongoing social transformation process and the developments in science and technology concurrently raised the importance of knowledge at any range. Technical educators happen to lose knowledge because of forgetting after their graduation, their knowled... see more

Polis memuru olmaya karar verirken bu meslegin ne kadar tehlikeli oldugunu biliyordunuz. Söz konusu tehlike üstesinden gelebilmek için egitimini aldiginiz ve günlük hayatta karsilasabileceginiz fiziki bir tehlikedir. Fakat karsilasacaginiz çok önemli bir ... see more

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