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Purpose. Search for new options of the transition from Ethernet technology. Methodology. Physical structuring of the Fast Ethernet network based on hubs and logical structuring of Fast Ethernet network using commutators. Organization of VLAN based on port... see more

While the development of information technology is very influential for the progress of a business, promoting a business that is owned, then one of them by using an ecommerce website. E-commerce is a trading activity carried out online through a website.P... see more

Abstract. The development of information technology causes the need for an information system is needed in the workplace. Information systems can be used as a support in managerial decision making and operational support work. PT Remaja Rosdakarya is a co... see more

Taking its point of departure in their recent fieldwork, the authors explore the concept ofknowledge in two different ways. How is scientific knowledge conceived in the debatesurrounding the passage of the new Danish legislation on universities? And how i... see more

1. This article is a logical and rational analysis of the original nuclear matter, and of the structure thatgave rise to the space architecture of the universe with galaxies, stars, the system of planets and moons, andarrives to original and inedited conc... see more

The operational environment on Russian Federation territory continues to be difficult, and in some regions the tendency to its worsening preerves. Thus, the study of the criminal prosecution concerning the cases of terrorist crimes is one of the urgent pr... see more

The subject of research in the article is production management processes based on cyber-physical systems. The purpose of the work is to automate the management of production processes using the cybernetic component and analyze the results. To achieve thi... see more

Historia de los retos actuales de la Fisiología Experimental Historia de los retos actuales de la Fisiología ExperimentalRESUMENIntroducción: La fisiología experimental es una ciencia exitosa como muestra el volumen de sus resultados, publicaciones, sociedades, así como el premio Nobel. No obstante, hoy enfrenta nuevos retos. Entre estos: concepciones animistas de nuevo tipo, presiones diversas que dificultan la experimentación y reduccionismo a otras disciplinas. Objetivo: Obtener en la historia las pistas que contribuyan a enfrentar los desafíos de la Fisiología actual. Material y Método. El método histórico-lógico se utilizó, desde la etapa de las cavernas hasta el origen de la Fisiología experimental y su establecimiento definitivo. Resultados: Se encontró una secuencia de apariciones y desapariciones de los retos. La interpretación animista de las funciones comenzó cuando el hombre vivía en cuevas y concluyó en Grecia con los physiologoi. La prioridad proclamada por Aristóteles de la observación catalizó el nacimiento de la Anatomía y se favoreció el reduccionismo de la Fisiología. Poco después del origen de la Fisiología con Harvey (1628), hubo intentos de reducir la Fisiología a leyes físicas (iatrofisica) y químicas (iatroquímica) que fracasaron. Estos fallos guiaron al resurgimiento del nuevo animismo desarrollado por Stahl y Barthez. Finalmente, la consolidación de la fisiología experimental en el siglo XIX significó: a) el fin del reduccionismo; b) la superioridad de la experimentación; c) el colapso del animismo Stahl-Barthez y el preformismo. Conclusiones: La Fisiología enfrenta actualmente desafíos con raíces en el pasado; los retos del presente tienen una secuencia de apariciones y desapariciones.Palabras claves: Fisiología experimental, desafíos, physiologoi, Aristóteles, método histórico lógico, William Harvey, iatroquímica, iatrofísica.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Experiment Physiology is a successful science as it is shown in the amount of results, publications, societies, and the Nobel Prize. However, it faces new challenges today. Among them, we can mention: animist conceptions of a new type, diverse pressures that make experimentation difficult, and reductionism to other disciplines. Objective: To obtain, from history, the clues that contribute to face the challenges of present Physiology.  Material and Method: The historical-logical method was used, from the era of the caves to the origin of experimental physiology and its final establishment. Results: A sequence of appearance and disappearance of the challenges was found. The animist interpretation of the functions began when the man used to live in caves, and finished in Greece with the physiologoi. The priority of observation proclaimed by Aristotle catalyzed the beginning of Anatomy, and reductionism benefitted from Physiology. Shortly afterwards the origin of Physiology with Harvey (1628), there were attempts to reduce Physiology to physical (iatrophysics) and chemical laws (iatrochemistry), which both failed. These failures lead to the appearance of the new animism developed by Stahl and Barthez. Finally, the consolidation of experimental physiology in the 19th Century meant: a) the end of reductionism; b) the superiority of experimentation; c) the disappearance of Stahl-Barthez animism, and preformism. Conclusions: At present, Physiology faces challenges that are due to the past; these present challenges have a sequence of appearances and disappearances.Keywords: Experimental Physiology, challenges, physiologoi, Aristotle, historical-logical method, William Harvey, iatrochemistry, iatrophysics.

Objetivo: Obtener en la historia las pistas que contribuyan a enfrentar los desafíos de la Fisiología actual. Material y Método. El método histórico-lógico se utilizó, desde la etapa de las cavernas hasta el origen de la Fisiología experimental y su esta... see more

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