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François Bégaudeau’s The Class depicts the life of a class in a junior high school in Paris during a school year. This high school, which is attended by students from unprivileged social classes, is a theatre of conflicts between students and teachers. Th... see more

 Abstract: Vocabulary processing holds a central position in Arabic language instruction programs for non-native speakers. It is a basic requirement for learning and a prerequisite for proficiency. Teaching vocabulary is not a one-way process; rather... see more

Agudizaciones endodónticas al concluir diferentes variantes técnicas de tratamiento pulporadicular / Incidence of endodontic acuteness when concluding the different technical variants in the pulp-radicular treatmentAgudizaciones endodónticas al concluir diferentes variantes técnicas de tratamiento pulporadicular / Incidence of endodontic acuteness when concluding the different technical variants in the pulp-radicular treatmentLas agudizaciones endodónticas constituyen eventos inflamatorios periapicales que se producen durante y después de concluida la terapéutica endodóntica, complicando y tornando más costosos dichos procederes. Para determinar su aparición e intensidad se realizó la presente investigación en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial "Antonio Briones Montoto" entre septiembre de 2007 y julio de 2008. El muestreo realizado fue de tipo opinático, constituido por 80 casos. Fueron divididos en 4 grupos de 20 casos, aplicándoseles diferentes esquemas de tratamiento. Los datos, recogidos en una planilla, se representaron en las tablas y gráficos en medidas resúmenes para variables cualitativas. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva: pruebas de 2 y K proporciones y la prueba no paramétrica Ji cuadrado. Se pudo constatar que el 17,5% de los casos tratados presentaron algún grado de agudización. El total de casos con agudizaciones resultó significativamente superior con la técnica estandarizada, no hubo diferencias en la aparición de las mismas en tratamientos en una o dos visitas, el mejor esquema de tratamiento empleado fue la técnica cérvico-apical en una sesión y los conductos abiertos al medio bucal el principal factor de riesgo asociado. Palabras clave: endodoncia, enfermedades periapicales, diagnóstico, tratamiento del conducto radicular / métodos. ABSTRACT Endodontic acuteness constitutes periapical inflammatory events that are produced during and after concluding the endodontic therapeutic, complicating and increasing the cost of the dental procedures. This research was aimed at determining their onset and intensity at "Antonio Briones Montoto" Dentist's Teaching Clinic from September 2007 to July 2008. The sampling was based on opinions and with 80 cases that were divided into 4 groups of 20 cases applying different treatment schedules. Data were collected in tables and graphics and in measures summed up to qualitative variables. A descriptive statistics was used: the two tests, K-proportions and the non-parametric chi-square test to compare the categories as well as the relation and homogeneity of the variables respectively. The total of the cases with acuteness resulted significantly higher with the standardized techniques, no differences in number or the intensity of the acuteness in the treatments in one and two sessions were observed, the best schedule of the treatment was the cervical-apical technique in a session. Key words: endodontics, periapical diseases, diagnosis, radicular duct treatment/methods.

ABSTRACT Endodontic acuteness constitutes periapical inflammatory events that are produced during and after concluding the endodontic therapeutic, complicating and increasing the cost of the dental procedures. This research was aimed at determining t... see more

The paper discusses the role of the dictionary in standardizing the spelling of Swahili. The discussion begins by defining key terms in this paper: spelling and standardization of spelling. It surveys lexicons written in Swahili between 1811–1990 and reco... see more

The main objective of this article is to assess the value of the Janes corpus for research in the field of language standardization. Unlike the existing reference corpora of written Slovenian, the newly available Janes corpus of user-generated content mos... see more

This study aims to 1) describe the word formation errors in the narrative essays of class V MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Bumirejo, 2) describe the conceptual misconceptions in the narrative essays of class V MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Bumirejo, and 3) describe th... see more

The paper discusses the role of the dictionary in standardizing the spelling of Swahili. The discussion begins by defining key terms in this paper: spelling and standardization of spelling. It surveys lexicons written in Swahili between 1811–1990 and reco... see more

The study aims to understand about standard and non-standard language in writing ethics properly and correctly. This research used descriptive methods. The research approach is qualitative research. Through this research, researchers will obtain data on I... see more

Abstract: The habit of reading the newspaper by itself will be able to familiarize readers morefamiliar with the language of the newspaper. However, in fact in terms of the users of the languagein the newspaper classified as inadequate. The public seemed ... see more

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