Tobacco consumption is one of the largest public health threats of the world, having 1.3 billion users in 2020. Tobacco or its associated products are potential carcinogens. Apart from causing cancer it also causes metabolic diseases like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and upper respiratory diseases. According to World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco causes more than 8 million deaths every year. More than 7 million deaths are due to active tobacco uses or smoking, out of these 1.2 million deaths are due to passive smoking. Nicotine the primary component in tobacco is responsible for the mode swing. It stimulates the release of happy hormones like dopamine, thus giving pleasant and feel good. However, long-term use causes additions and people who would like to quite experience nicotine carvings. Out of every ten tobacco smokers, nine are diagnosed with lung cancers, leading to high mortality. Various plausible ways have been cornered to quit smoking, namely nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), anti-nicotine drugs, nicotine vaccines, and natural therapy. All these alternatives aim to replace tobacco smoking to reduce the harmful effects of nicotine. Depending upon the pros and cons of each alternative, no successful definite solutions have been achieved and people continue to use tobacco. In this review, we have highlighted various natural alternatives which can be used instead of tobacco products. We surmise these products can replace tobacco dependence and work as natural NRT. Since these products are safe and without side effects, they could help smokers in quitting smoking.

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