The opportunities and specifics of using information and communication technologies (ICT) for the research of the phenomenon of cyberbullying as an actual youth problem at the current stage of the society development have been analyzed in the article. The peculiarities that ICT tools should meet to ensure the effectiveness of online psychological research, in particular, free and convenient areas; powerful computing services for processing and visualization of statistical material; communication services for organizing interaction with users, have been identified. The expediency of active cooperation of computer science specialists and psychologists as for implementation of online ICT tools to prevent and counteract cyberbullying has been substantiated. The information model and content of the virtual area of research and prevention of cyberbullying among university students has been described in the form of a website implemented on the basis of the Google platform and placed in free access. The developed site contains the authors’ questionnaire, the address material for potential participants of cyberbullying, a chatbot to organize the interaction with them. It is presented the mental scheme of the questionnaire, which was the base for the questionnaire on diagnostics of cyberbullying manifestations among students, and was created with the help of a Google form. The authors identified the most common causes and social networks for potential manifestations. The most common types of cyberbullying among young people have been identified, as well as carried out a comparative analysis of gender features of their manifestation. The expediency of storing the obtained statistical material in Google-tables has been substantiated, as it provides more powerful and flexible possibilities of its further processing using data analysis and visualization methods in comparison with Google-forms. It has been established that the chatbot implemented in the virtual area is an effective and convenient tool for crisis response in the format of distance psychological assistance to students, which corresponds to modern realities. Approbation of the developed virtual area in the educational activity of the higher educational institution testifies to the relevance and effectiveness of the suggested online tools for research, prevention and counteraction to cyberbullying.

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