Home  /  Jurnal Madania  /  Vol: 21 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2017)  /  Article

Penerapan Open Learning Course bagi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Analisis Persepsi Pengelola Pesantren di Kabupaten Kudus-Jawa Tengah).


Open Learning Course Application For Islamic Education Institutions (Perception Analysis of Pesantren Management in Kabupaten Kudus-Central Java).Information and Communication Technology (TIK) is speeding up. It also affects the development of the distribution of pure religious sciences. Islamic educational institutions such as pesantren are the spearheads in the distribution of religious knowledge that still survive with traditional learning models. This article aims to find out the perception of managers of Islamic educational institutions, especially pesantren about open learning based online. The method used is qualitative with observation and distribution questionnaire to get data. The result is that the majority of pesantren managers in Kabupaten Kudus, Central Java Indonesia still retains traditional learning models rather than trying to develop open learning courses because of the lack of reference and insight about open learning course. Socialization about open learning and the importance of the distribution of pure religious knowledge is needed for the development of open learning in the future.

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