A new process for Na2Ca(HPO4)2 synthesis and its application as a heterogeneous catalyst in Knoevenagel condensation


The novelty of this work is to propose a new process consisting to the modification of triple superphosphate (TSP) by sodium nitrate (NaNO3) for the preparation of a heterogeneous catalytic support Na2Ca(HPO4)2 (calcium hydrogen disodium phosphate). This product has been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The catalytic activity of Na2Ca(HPO4)2 was examined in Knoevenagel condensation between 4-chlorobenzaldehyde and malononit rile as a model reaction. The optimization of the reaction operating conditions was carried out based on a study of the effect of various parameters, namely reaction time, the catalyst charge, the nature, and volume of solvent on the reaction yield. From these considerations, this catalyst proves its efficiency since it allows to obtain the product with excellent yields in a short reaction time. Moreover, it has been reused several times without any significant loss of its activity. The process developed herein can be considered as an ecological and economical method because the catalyst used is non-toxic, cost-effective and easy to prepare. 

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This qualitative research study used narrative approach to retell the narratives of twelve (12) high school teachers on the processes, challenges, and solutions of student assessment. The investigation identifies that teachers assess the students by util... see more

Influencia de factores objetivos y subjetivos en la disciplina Morfofisiología de la Carrera de Estomatología / Influence of the objective and subjective factors in Morphology-physiology discipline in Dentistry StudiesInfluencia de factores objetivos y subjetivos en la disciplina Morfofisiología de la Carrera de Estomatología / Influence of the objective and subjective factors in Morphology-physiology discipline in Dentistry StudiesIntroducción: la disciplina curricular de Morfofisiología se encuentra bajo la incidencia de los factores objetivos y subjetivos que limitan la estructuración y perfeccionamiento de los nuevos procesos educativos. Objetivo: valorar los factores objetivos y subjetivos que influyen en la dirección del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de la disciplina Morfofisiología, limitando su estructuración y perfeccionamiento en la Carrera de Estomatología. Método: se realizó un estudio, en la disciplina Morfofisiología, de la Carrera de Estomatología de la provincia de Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido de septiembre de 2007 a enero de 2009. La muestra estuvo constituida por 142 estudiantes, de ellos, 131 de primer año y 101 de segundo. El método empleado fue la revisión y análisis de los documentos. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron utilizando los métodos y procedimientos que brinda la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: se encontraron más bajos niveles de rendimiento académico en la sede central con respecto a las sedes municipales, siendo las asignaturas Morfofisiología II y V las de más bajos resultados. Escasa participación de estudiantes en los exámenes de premio y menor calidad de los mismos en las sedes municipales. Conclusiones: que los resultados académicos en la disciplina Morfofisiología en la provincia de Pinar del Río, indican que el cambio educativo teniendo en cuenta los actuales contextos universitarios, implica necesariamente vincular a los estudiantes a los métodos productivos de enseñanza y a los servicios en la búsqueda de la excelencia educativa.Palabras clave: Rendimiento académico, resultados de promoción, municipalización.ABSTRACTIntroduction: the curricular discipline of Morphology-physiology is under the influence of objective and subjective factors which limit the structuring and improvement of the new educational process. Objective: to assess the objective and subjective factors that influence on the direction of the teaching-learning process of Morphology-physiology which limits its structuring and improvement in Dentistry Studies in Pinar del Rio province. Method: a study was conducted in Morphology-physiology discipline in Dentistry Studies, Pinar del Rio from September 2007 to January 2009. The sample was comprised of 142 students, out of them, 131 from 1st academic year and 101 from 2nd academic year. The methods used were the literature revision and documentary analysis. The data collected were processed using methods and procedures of the descriptive statistics. Results: the lowest levels of academic achievements were found in the central venue in Morphology-physiology (ii and iv) discipline, as well as the poor participation of the students in award-examinations and a low quality of the examinations applied in the municipal venues.Conclusions: the academic results of Morphology-physiology discipline in Pinar del Rio province show that the educational change implies a necessary link of the students with more productive teaching methods and health services considering the current university contexts in order to achieve the excellence in the teaching-learning process.Key words: Academic achievements, educational results, municipal venues

Maritza Travieso Pérez,Juan Félix Albert Díaz,Elienna González Crespo,Iliana Otero Rodríguez,Zenobia Trujillo Sainz    

ABSTRACTIntroduction: the curricular discipline of Morphology-physiology is under the influence of objective and subjective factors which limit the structuring and improvement of the new educational process. Objective: to assess the objective and su... see more

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ABSTRACTAn update about the virology and immunology of the Influenza A H1N1 infection is made.  The first epidemic of the XXIth century was addresses by WHO on June 9th, 2009.  H1N1 is a new virus of the Influenza A, showing increased infection... see more

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ABSTRACTTraining of human resources is one of the most important mainstays in health sector, reaching its higher expression with the universalization of teaching. New challenges emerge, that is why the continuous transformation of the teaching-learning p... see more

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ABSTRACT During the universalization process different forms of organizing learning process are introduced, being Education in Work the most important. Medical rounds in the community is a modality in the new contexts, the rounds must be prepared, or... see more