Obtaining effective bacterial preparations based on the pure cultures, that isolated from wastes of energy and coal industry


The wastes of energy and coal industry are on the one hand as environmentally hazardous, on the other hand - commercial significance, in terms of content of rare metals raw materials. Biotechnological methods are most justified for its processing to recover valuable components and reduce toxicity. Implementation of microbial biotechnology possible by creating an effective bacterial drug based on high biomass accumulation strains producers isolated from the studied substrates, which have high activity in relation to the leaching of heavy and rare metals.  The study of the properties of isolated strains grown in autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions  allowed to recommend for create bacterial drug most fast-growing high-moderately thermophilic strain of acidophilus thiobacteria UTFLv35, which was isolated from coal tailing. Created bacterial drug that is a result of the accumulation of biomass strain-producers UTFLv35 on established optimized nutrient medium with ferrous iron as the sole energy source, had a concentration of viable bacterial cells at least (223,6 ± 3,79)x108 - (198,7 ± 5.63)x109 CFU/cm3 and optical density 0,9-1,23. Its use for the extraction of metals from "native" substrate waste at optimum conditions significantly increased the efficiency of bioleaching and to cut the time of contact phase in the tank.

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Revista: Revista Geama