Methodology and Scope of Social Fiqh (Thinking Study KH. M. Sahal Mahfudh)


The purpose of this research is to answer the problem formulation, what is the nature of social fiqh? What is the methodology of social fiqh? This research is a legal research with doctrinal dimensions, interpreted logically and dogmatically. The nature of this research is qualitative with theological and sociologicalapproaches. Social fiqh basically includes three things; First, social fiqh shifts the perspective of fiqh which is pure science towards applied science. Second, shifting deontological understanding toward teleological. Third, emphasizing fiqh method in giving birth to legal provisions, from giving satisfactory answers to efforts to realize the objectives of fiqh. Social Fiqh clearly has a methodology that is a contextualization of fiqh texts, switching to mazhab qauli ke mazhab manhaji, verification of ushul dan furu’, fiqh as social ethics, philosophical-based application of thought. What distinguishes this study from previous research is that in this study it was found that the social fiqh of KH. M. Sahal Mahfudh was not only a fiqh product but also a fiqh methodology.Keywords: social fiqh; method; ijtihad; science, law 

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