Analysis of perceptions of primary school students towards science using the pictures they drawIlkokul ögrencilerinin fen bilgisine yönelik algilarinin çizdikleri resimlerle analizi


This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing and interpreting the perceptions of 4th grade primary school students studying in the province of Mugla towards science, using the pictures they draw.The study was implemented in the school year of 2015-2016 with 41 4th grade students from the classes A-B at the Toki S. J. Yb. Alim Yilmaz Primary School in the province of Mugla. The pictures drawn by the participating students were analyzed semantically and the method of content analysis was used. The study analyzed and interpreted how the students perceived the concept of “Science”, the content they employed in the pictures they drew, whether they were able to establish a connection between Science and their lives, and whether there were differences between male and female students in terms of the content of the pictures they drew. Collaboration was made with three science and technology teachers and two image experts in the analysis. Separate coding lists were formed for each case for the analysis of the qualitative data and the data were coded.In the light of the findings obtained, it was found that 73.6% of male students drew an experiment environment within the theme of laboratory, while 90.9% of the female students did so. It was found that a large proportion of male and female students were influenced by the subjects “our sensory organs”, “technological developments”, “our body and systems”, “classifying matter” and “pollution”, which are included in the curricula.It was concluded that most male and female students perceive the concept of science only in terms of experiments, while this ratio is higher for female students who drew more detailed and colorful environments; they did not think of science outside school and laboratory environments; the connection they established between their lives and science did not exceed the public’s attitude towards this issue, visual stimulants in their surroundings, and what was taught and shown to them by educational institutions; the number of students who used themes other than the drawings and subjects in the textbook was very low; and their levels to relate science and technology class information to daily life were low. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu arastirma, Mugla ilinde ögrenim gören ilkokul 4. Sinif ögrencilerinin Fen Bilgisine yönelik algilarinin çizdikleri resimlerle analiz edilerek yorumlanmasi amaci ile yapilmistir.Arastirmanin uygulamasi 2015-2016 egitim-ögretim yilinda Mugla ili Toki S.J. Yb. Âlim Yilmaz Ilkokulunda 4. sinif A-B subelerinde ögrenim gören 41 ögrenci ile gerçeklestirilmistir. Çalismaya katilan ögrencilerin çizdikleri resimler anlamsal açidan incelenmis ve içerik analizi yöntemi kullanilmistir. Ögrencilerin “Fen Bilgisi” kavramini nasil algiladiklari, çizdikleri resimlerde hangi içeriklere yer verdikleri, Fen Bilgisi ve yasadiklari hayat arasinda baglanti kurup kuramadiklari ve kiz ve erkek ögrencilerin çizdikleri resim içeriklerinde farkliliklar olup olmadigi analiz edilmis ve yorumlanmistir. Degerlendirme yapilirken üç fen ve teknoloji ögretmeni ve iki resim uzmani ile çalisilmistir. Nitel verilerin analizinde her bir durum için ayri ayri kodlama listesi çikarilmistir ve kodlamalar yapilmistir.Elde edilen bulgular dogrultusunda, erkek ögrencilerin %73,6’si resimlerinde laboratuvar temasi içerisinde deney ortami resmederken, bu oranin kiz ögrencilerde %90,9 oldugu tespit edilmistir. Kiz ve erkek ögrencilerin büyük bir bölümünün müfredat programlarinda yer alan “duyu organlarimiz”, “teknolojik gelismeler”, “vücudumuz ve sistemler”, “maddenin siniflandirilmasi” ve “çevre kirliligi” konularindan etkilendikleri görülmüstür.Kiz ve erkek ögrencilerin büyük bir bölümünün fen bilgisi kavramini sadece deney olarak algiladiklari, kiz ögrencilerde bu oranin daha yüksek oldugu ve erkek ögrencilere göre daha detay ve renkli ortamlar çizdikleri, fen bilgisini okul ve laboratuvar ortami disinda düsünmedikleri, yasamlari ve fen bilgisi arasinda kurduklari bagin, bu konuda toplum tutumunun, çevrelerindeki görsel uyaranlarin ve egitim kurumlarinin onlara ögrettikleri ve gösterdiklerinden daha öteye geçemedigi, ders kitabinda bulunan çizim ve konularin disinda tema isleyen ögrenci sayisinin çok az oldugu ve fen ve teknoloji dersi bilgilerini günlük hayatla iliskilendirme düzeylerinin düsük oldugu tespit edilmistir.

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