Home  /  Lexikos  /  Núm: Vol20 Par: 0 (2010)  /  Article

The Effects of Shona Language Change on Monolingual Lexicography: The Need for a Revised Alphabet


ABSTRACT: In this article, the phenomenon of Shona language change, its effects on lexicography and the need for a revised alphabet are discussed. Because of the defective Shona alphabet, lexicographers at the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI) encountered problems in handling some words that were potential headwords in dictionaries they were compiling under the ALLEX project. The current Shona alphabet is unable to realize quite a number of sounds and morphemes in lexical items in everyday use by the native Shona speakers, because they are alien loanwords. The article was prompted by the challenges encountered during the compilation of Duramazwi reMimhanzi (Shona Musical Terms Dictionary). It shows how language change accounts for the problem of headword selection and how modifying the current alphabet can enhance monolingual Shona lexicographical work vis-à-vis the development of the Shona language. It therefore stresses the need for a revised alphabet so as to solve orthographical problems during dictionary compilation.PFUPISO YECHINYORWA: Matambudziko Anosanganwa Nawo Mukugadzira Maduramazwi eMutauro Mumwe chete neKuda Kwekushanduka Kwemutauro weChiShona: Panofanirwa Kuva neManyorerwo eChiShona Matsva. Muchinyorwa chino vanyori vanoongorora kushanduka kuri kuita mutauro weChiShona nekufamba kuri kuita nguva nematambudziko anosanganikwa nawo nekuda kweshanduko iyi zvikurusei mukugadzira maduramazwi ari mururimi rweChiShona chete. Vanyori vanoonesawo pfungwa yekuti panodiwa manyorerwo matsva. Nyanzvi dzinogadzira maduramazwi paAfrican Languages Research Institute (ALRI) dzinosangana namadambudziko esarudzo yamazwi padzinenge dzichisarudza mazwi adzinenge dzichida kuisa mumaduramazwi adzinogadzira pachirongwa chokugadzira maduramazwi chinonzi ALLEX. Dambudziko resarudzo yemazwi rinowanikwa nekuda kwechimiro chebumbiro remanyorerwo eChiShona risingatenderi mamwe mavara ari mune imwe mitauro asiri muChiShona. Bumbiro iri parizvino haritenderi mamwe mavara, mibatanidzwa yamavara namamwe mazwi anowanikwa mumutauro wemazuva ano waVaShona anobva mune mimwe mitauro. Chinyorwa chino chakatokonywa namadambudziko akasanganiwa nawo nevanyori vebepa rino pavakange vachigadzira Duramazwi reMimhanzi. Chinyorwa chino chakanangana nokuburitsa kushanduka kuri kuita ChiShona, uye matambudziko anosanganwa nawo pakusarudza mazwi anopinda muduramazwi uye kuonesa zvakare kuti kugadzirisa bumbiro ramanyorerwo kunogona kurerutsa basa ravagadziri vamaduramazwi. Izvi zvinoita zvakare kuti mutauro weChiShona uvandutswe. Pamusoro pezvose izvi, chinyorwa chino chinoda kutaridza kuti sei zvakakosha kuita chimbichimbi kugadzirisa chimiro chebumbiro remanyorerwe pakuzama kurerusa matambudziko anosanganwa nawo nevagadziri vemaduramazwi eChiShona.Mazwi Akakosha: KUSANDUKA KWEMUTAURO, ALLEX, MAZWI, SEGIMENDI, SUPURASEGIMENDI, ARIFABETI, ZVAMADURAMAZWI, ADHAPUTESHENI, KUKWERETA, ADHOPUSHENI, ATIKURESHENI, MITINHIRO

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