Home  /  Lexikos  /  Núm: Vol18 Par: 0 (2008)  /  Article

L.T. Marole: A Forgotten Pioneer in Tshiven?a Lexicography *


Abstract: L.T. Marole is a pioneer in Tshiven?a lexicography. He is especially known for the compilation of word lists and phrase books. Through his production of these lexicographic works, Marole has preserved some Tshiven? a terminology which is now regarded as obsolete; for example, terminology regarding names of animals, parts of the body, kinship relations and sicknesses. This type of terminology could be useful to the present younger generation. Readers may learn much about Tshiven? a culture from Marole's works. However, his works have not received recognition from Vhaven? a dictionary users and compilers. The public is largely unaware of his works. This article aims at making the public aware of Marole's contribution to the development of Tshiven?a lexicography, emphasising that this contribution should not be ignored as being insignificant. Keywords: LEXICOGRAPHY, TRANSLATING DICTIONARY, BILINGUAL DICTIONARY,LINGUISTICS, TERMINOLOGY, LEXICAL ENTRY, EQUIVALENT, TRANSLATOR, CULTURE,KINSHIP TERMS, ORTHOGRAPHY, CONTEXT, DATABASE, DIALECT Opsomming: L.T. Marole: 'n Vergete pionier in Tshiven?aleksikografie.L.T. Marole is 'n baanbreker op die gebied van Tshiven?aleksikografie. Hy is veral bekend vir diesamestelling van woordelyste en taalgidse. Deur sy produksie van hierdie leksikografiese werke,het Marole sekere Tshiven?aterme wat nou as verouderd beskou word, bewaar; byvoorbeeld, terminologiebetreffende die name van diere, liggaamsdele, verwantskapsbetrekkinge en siektes.Hierdie soort terminologie sou nuttig kon wees vir die huidige jonger geslag. Lesers kan baieomtrent die Tshiven?akultuur uit Marole se werke leer. Sy werke het egter nie erkenning gekry vanVhaven?awoordeboekgebruikers en -samestellers nie. Die publiek is grootliks onbewus van sywerke. Hierdie artikel beoog om die publiek bewus te maak van Marole se bydrae tot die ontwikkelingvan Tshiven?aleksikografie deur te beklemtoon dat hierdie bydrae nie as onbelangrikgeïgnoreer behoort te word nie. Sleutelwoorde: LEKSIKOGRAFIE, VERTALENDE WOORDEBOEK, TWEETALIGEWOORDEBOEK, LINGUISTIEK, TERMINOLOGIE, LEKSIKALE INSKRYWING, EKWIVALENT,VERTALER, KULTUUR, VERWANTSKAPSTERME, ORTOGRAFIE, KONTEKS, DATABASIS,DIALEK 

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