Branding Grenlandii forma ekspresji tozsamosci narodowej?


Branding Greenland as a form of expression of national identity?In the times of globalisation there is a tendency for countries to differentiate from others. More and more governments decide to launch professional nation branding campaigns in order to communicate to a broad public what a particular country has to offer as well as what values and images it wants to be associated with. Greenland is an example of a country that after a long period of colonisation and establishing self-government, in 2009 began to redefine its identity and reveal it to the world. A branding campaign has been implemented to communicate a newly defined image of Greenland. This campaign has been carried out using mainly social media and the tools that the Internet has to offer. The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of nation branding and to define the relation between nation branding and national identity. The purpose is also to analyse what images of Greenland as a brand are presented by “Pioneering nation” campaign. Branding Grenlandii forma ekspresji tozsamosci narodowej?W czasach globalizacji poszczególne panstwa staraja sie wyróznic na tle innych panstw. Coraz wiecej rzadów decyduje sie na przeprowadzenie profesjonalnych kampanii brandingowych, po to by podkreslic swoja wyjatkowosc oraz to, ze maja duzo do zaoferowania. Grenlandia to przyklad panstwa, które po dlugim okresie skolonizowania i po uzyskaniu autonomii w 2009 roku, zaczelo na nowo definiowac swoja tozsamosc i komunikowac ja swiatu. W tym celu wdrozona zostala kampania, która wykorzystywala glównie media spolecznosciowe oraz inne narzedzia, które zapewnia internet. Celem niniejszego artykulu jest zbadanie zaleznosci miedzy brandingiem narodowym a tozsamoscia narodowa, jak tez analiza obrazu Grenlandii jako marki konstruowanej w kampanii „Pioneering nation”.

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