The Family Connection of Alcibiades and Axiochus

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Simten Cosar, Gulden Ozcan    

This article analyzes the securitization of the political space under the Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, AKP) governments in Turkey with a critical feminist lens. We argue that a feminist reading unpacks the connection between... see more

María del Mar Graña Cid    

The Congregation of Santa Clara de Tordesillas was born in close connection with the Castilian monarchy. In this paper we analyse the link that the queens of Castile established with it from the point of view of their promotion of monastic affiliations. ... see more

Dwiani Septiana,Andi Indah Yulianti,Lida Karyani    

Paku language gets shifted in connection to fading its language vitality away. The decreasing number of native speakers of Paku language has probably resulted from language contact with other surrounding languages. As a consequence, the natives gradually... see more

Patricia Suárez Álvarez    

RESUMEN: Durante el Antiguo Régimen, la geografía y climatología del Principado de Asturias hizo del mar su principal vía de comunicación. Junto con los grandes puertos de Gijón o Avilés coexistían otras poblaciones marítimas «menores» que compaginaban e... see more

Alberto Morán Corte    

RESUMEN: Utilizando la división de grupos familiares propuesta por Laslett para la sociedad preindustrial inglesa, realizaremos un primer acercamiento a las diversas formas de organización domésticas que conformaban la Villaviciosa del siglo XVIII, terri... see more