Employee development is needed in achieving the goals of an organization. Employees need space to be able to improve and actualize themselves according to their abilities to be able to be applied to jobs following their fields. In completing various jobs, one factor that has a strong influence is personality. Everyone has different characteristics and personalities. This also applies to millennials. A generation that prioritizes technology in every life activity. The basic human personality that sparked by Hippocrates-Gallenus is very visible in this generation, especially in dealing with various problems in the scope of work. The concept of training and development with a typological approach is very effective in the process of knowledge transfer considering the trainers are required to be part of this generation and understand each personality has a different approach in completing various jobs. Various aspects can motivate millennial workers to be able to further maximize the results of their work, one of which is the need for self-actualization which certainly requires a variety of specific approaches to be able to awaken every potential it has. A leadership style that can accommodate a variety of personalities to create human resources that have high performance without forcing someone to be the same as other individuals will facilitate the achievement of performance expected by an organization or business unit. This research was conducted in the city of Denpasar, where the phenomenon that occurs is that creative and innovative millennial workers have not been able to make full use of the opportunities and potential within themselves in a business unit. This research shows the Typological approach is very effective in developing capabilities and shaping the work ethic of millennial generation through a democratic leadership style.

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