Home  /  Health SA Gesondheid  /  Vol: 7 Núm: 4 Par: 0 (2002)  /  Article

Evaluation of a computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) developed for student nurses in an oncology clinical setting


AbstractA computer-based teaching programme (CBTP) was developed after a comprehensive review of the literature with regard to learning, learning theories, traditional and student-centred styles and approaches, teaching through hypermedia and computer-based teaching.Opsomming’n Rekenaargebaseerde onderrigprogram (RGOP) is na ’n omvattende literatuurstudie oor leer, leerteorieë, -style en benaderings, tradisionele-, studentgesentreerde- en onderrig deur hipermedia, en rekenaargebaseerde onderrig ontwikkel, met die doel om ’n onderrigbenadering te implementeer waar studentverpleegkundiges die geleentheid gegun word om verantwoordelikheid vir leer te aanvaar, leerbehoeftes te identifiseer en ’n diep benadering tot leer te volg.*Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.

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