Determination of Project Management Technique using AHP Decision-Making in Projects


This study presents the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a potential decision-making method of project management techniques in international trade project management. Forms created by AHP method with the involvement of 7 employees, including administrative and technical project managers and project planning supervisors working in the Project Management Organization of a leading engineering and technology company in Turkey, were collected by in-depth interview technique. After the consistency analysis, the final project management technique analysis was made. According to the findings obtained in the study, Result Orientation, Delivery Performance Competence and Installation Cost Efficiency were evaluated as the 3 most important criteria when deciding on the project management technique; that, the decision makers will apply in project management. It is possible to mention that AGILE project management is the most preferred technique. In future studies, the effect of creating an ideal project management technique framework in project management organizations can be examined based on the sequence of techniques revealed in this study and their superiorities.

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