Home  /  Jurnal Surya Medika  /  Vol: 4 Núm: 1 Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Desa Anjir Mambulau Tengah terhadap Penggunaan AntibiotikKnowledge Level of Middle Anjir Mambulau Village Community on the Use of Antibiotics


Medicine is all substances such as chemical, animal or vegetative in a possible dose that could heal, assuage or prevent the disease and its symptoms. Infectious disease is still the most of health society problem, especially in developing country. Antibiotics are chemical substances generated by microorganisms which have the ability to obstruct the growth or eliminate another microorganism. Antibiotics are the most widely used medicine for infectious which caused by bacteria. The accurate recipe and good consumption of antibiotics use will give well beneficial and effective for the patient. Otherwise, using antibiotics which not suitable for the instruction will conduct the decrease of the medicine function itself (antibiotics resistance), and could make new disease caused by the wrong application. Anjir Mambulau village is located in Province of Central Kalimantan, particularly the part of Kapuas Hilir district, Kapuas. These villagers mostly obtain the medicines from a small shop and consume it based on the experiences and family suggestions only. The purpose of this research is to know the knowledge level of Anjir Mambulau villagers about antibiotics use, using the descriptive method with the valid questionnaire, to the sample of the village's population by purposive sampling technique, the questionnaire contains any questions with semi-open way which made by the researchers that should be answered by the respondent. This research sourced from 309 respondents results that 35,5% villagers of AnjirMambulau have not the cognize of using antibiotics.

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Jesús Lazo Cabrera,Bárbara del R. Hernández Bravo,María A. Méndez Suárez    

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (abbreviated TB for tubercle bacillus or Tuberculosis), is a disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Hominis, weakly Gram-positive bacillus, aerobic, acid-alcohol resistance, of curved aspect, motionless and sporeless. ... see more

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ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is a high-incidence disease in Haiti. An educative intervention study was conducted in the Commune of Moron, de la Grand´Anse Department, Haiti Republic during January to November 2006 with the purpose of modifying and extendin... see more

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Víctor E. Salgueiro Medina,José G. Sanabria Negrín,Magalys C. Abreu Mérida    

ABSTRACT With the purpose of analyzing the state of the art in cervical cancer and precursor lesions a review of articles and research papers on the topic of the last five years was performed. Other original papers and articles considering level i-ii... see more

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Caracterización de pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica bajo tratamiento con ventilación mecánica no invasiva Caracterización de pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica bajo tratamiento con ventilación mecánica no invasivaIntroducción: la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica es una enfermedad respiratoria caracterizada esencialmente por una limitación crónica al flujo aéreo que no es totalmente reversible, y que se manifiesta en forma de disnea, por lo general progresiva. Como alternativa de tratamiento se encuentra el uso de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica sometidos a ventilación mecánica no invasiva ingresados en Unidades de Atención a pacientes graves. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal en dos Unidades de Atención a pacientes graves, donde se seleccionó una muestra de 52 pacientes con diagnóstico de Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica exacerbada severa bajo tratamiento con ventilación mecánica no invasiva. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, sexo, comorbilidades, hábito de fumar y principales causas de agudización. Resultados: el grupo de edad predominante fue el de 51 a 70 años y el sexo masculino. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron el mal estado nutricional, seguido de la hipertensión arterial y la Diabetes mellitus. Se comprobó una asociación entre la hipertensión arterial y la Cardiopatía isquémica, así como entre la hipertensión arterial y el hábito de fumar. El 90,4 % de los pacientes estudiados eran fumadores. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo predominantes fueron el mal estado nutricional, seguido de la hipertensión arterial y la Diabetes mellitus; sin embargo, el aspecto más preocupante fue la presencia del hábito de fumar, debido a las fatales consecuencias para la salud que tiene este nocivo hábito.Palabras clave: ventilación mecánica no invasiva, Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, factor de riesgo, unidades de atención al grave, inflamación, afección sistémica.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a respiratory disease mainly characterized by a chronic limitation of the air flow which is not irreversible totally and it is clinical generally expressed by progressive dyspnea. Non-invasive mechanic ventilation is used like alternative treatment. Objective: to characterize patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease under non- invasive mechanical ventilation admitted at Critical Care Units. Material and Methods:  cross section retrospective and descriptive trial in two Critical Care Units was performed; it was selected 52 patients with exacerbated severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease under non-invasive mechanic ventilation. The variables studied were age, gender, comorbidities, smoke habit and main acute causes. Results: prevail group according to age was from 51 to 70 years old and the gender was male. The most frequent comorbidities were the bad nutritional status, following by hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. The association between hypertension and ischemic cardiopathy was proved as well as between hypertension and smoke habit. 90.4% of patients were smokers. Conclusions: the prevailed risk factors were the bad nutritional status, following by hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus, whereas, the most concerned aspect was the prevalence of smoke habit because the fatal health consequence that  it harmful  habit has.Key words: Non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, risk factor, Critical Care Unit, inflammation, systemic complaint.

Judith Lescay Mevil,Ray Valdés Balbín,Fidel Roca Cathcart    

Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica sometidos a ventilación mecánica no invasiva ingresados en Unidades de Atención a pacientes graves. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, ... see more