Background. The educational program and curriculum for the training of applicants for higher education degree of Ph.D. at the third (educational and scientific) level in all forms of education for the specialization «Medical and biological informatics and cybernetics» are presented. Education in graduate school and outside it takes place in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», resolutions of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers 03.23.2016 No. 261 «On Approval of the Procedure for Training Applicants for Higher Education to the degree of Ph.D. and Doctors of Science in higher educational institutions» and 12.30.2015 No. 1187 «On the approval of the Licensing Conditions for the implementation of educational activities of educational institutions».Results. The final goals in the discipline «Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics» are directed at obtaining in-depth knowledge of the specialty in which the applicant conducts research, in particular mastering basic concepts, understanding theoretical and practical problems, mastering the terminology in the scientific field under study, and other.Conclusion. It is known that the curriculum in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is a regulatory document (standard) of a higher education institution. However, the educational program and curriculum are drawn up at the Department of Medical Informatics, which is the core of the postgraduate medical education system, so the proposed documents can be considered as a unified educational program and curriculum.

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