An inclusive model suggestion in audio-visual media design in sampling of public ads: Is accessible media possible?Kamu spotlari örnekleminde görsel- isitsel medya ürünleri tasariminda kapsayici bir model önerisi: Engelsiz medya mümkün mü?


Instructive and informative contents of the Public Service Announcements (PSAs) need to reach to all segments of the society.  Within this framework, the purpose of the research is to explain the importance of the narrative structure in the sight-disabled persons' access to the PSAs in terms of the up-to-date audio description criteria. In the study, the characters and the functions thereof in the narration have been reviewed within the frame of Labov & Riesmann's narrative analysis constituents, and answer has been sought to the question, "Are the spatio-temporal  constituents, motions, and the visual materials that depict the actions in connection with character definitions put into words for the sight-disabled persons?", by way of narrative analysis. While the 6 "Be Prepared for the Disasters!" PSAs are analyzed in terms of their narrative structures, the questions, "Who are the persons in the narrative? What are their functions in the narrative? What do these persons do in the narrative? Why do they do these things? What are the outcomes of them?" are required to be responded by six different experts serving in the fields of visual communication, audio-visual translation, and narrative communication, other than the researchers. As a result of the research, it has been determined that, the PSAs are not designed as being suitable for the access of the sight-disabled persons, and two model proposals have been introduced at the end of the research by way of taking inclusive design criteria other than the conventional audio description criteria into consideration.?Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetKamu spotlarinin, egitici, bilgilendirici içerikleri ile toplumun tüm kesimlerine ulasmasi gerekmektedir.  Bu çerçevede arastirmanin amaci, görme engelli bireylerin kamu spotlarina erisiminde anlati yapisinin önemini güncel sesli betimleme kriterleri çerçevesinde belirtmektir. Anlatidaki karakterlerin ve islevlerinin ne oldugu, Labov ve Riesmann’in anlati analizi bilesenleri çerçevesinde incelenmis ve “Kamu spotunda anlati olusturulurken mekânsal-zamansal bilesenler, hareketler, karakter tanimlariyla baglantili fiilleri betimleyen görsel materyaller, görme engelli bireyler için kelimelere aktarilmakta midir?” sorusuna anlati analizi ile yanit aranmistir. Incelenen alti “Afetlere Hazirlikli Ol!” kamu spotu, anlati yapisi çözümlenirken “anlatidaki kisiler kimler, bu kisilerin, anlatidaki islevi nedir, bu kisiler, anlatida ne yapiyorlar, niçin yapiyorlar ve sonuçlar ne?” sorularina arastirmacilar disinda görsel iletisim, görsel- isitsel çeviri ve yazinsal iletisim alaninda çalisan alti farkli uzmandan cevaplamasi istenmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, kamu spotlarinin görme engelli bireylerin erisimine uygun olarak tasarlanmadigi tespit edilmis, geleneksel sesli betimleme kriterlerinin disinda kapsayici tasarim kriterleri dikkate alinarak iki model önerisi arastirma sonunda sunulmustur.

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