Home  /  Panorama Cuba y Salud  /  Núm: Volumen Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

Riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la población prediabética de un consultorio médico / Risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the population with prediabetes of a medical clinic Riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la población prediabética de un consultorio médico / Risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the population with prediabetes of a medical clinicIntroducción: la disglucemia es considerada como una condición metabólica que antecede al desarrollo de la diabetes mellitus de tipo 2.Objetivo: estratificar el riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en pacientes prediabéticos del consultorio del médico de la familia 26 del Policlínico Universitario “Héroes del Moncada” en la ciudad de Cárdenas, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 120 pacientes adultos diagnosticados como prediabéticos, desde enero de 2014 hasta enero de 2015. A los pacientes diagnosticados se les aplicó el Score de FINDRISC.Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y los grupos de edades de entre 40-49 años. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes que se identificaron fueron: obesidad y sobrepeso (38,3%), dislipidemias (19%) e hipertensión arterial (14,1%). La glucemia en ayunas alterada fue la categoría diagnóstica que aportó mayor cantidad de casos de pacientes con esta condición (53,3%). La comorbilidad asociada predominante fue la obesidad y sobrepeso. Predominó el riesgo moderado de desarrollar diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con 43 casos del total (35,8%), seguido por el grupo de riesgo ligeramente elevado con 39 pacientes (32,5%).Conclusiones: la comorbilidad asociada que más predominó fue la obesidad y sobrepeso. Se encuentra relacionada directamente con factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos. Se identificaron a varios pacientes aparentemente sanos con prediabetes y con riesgo moderado de desarrollar diabetes mellitus en los próximos 10 años.Palabras clave: prediabetes; diabetes; detección; prevención; riesgo cardiometabólico; obesidad.ABSTRACTIntroduction: the prediabetes or disglucemia are considered as a metabolic condition that proceeds to the development of the diabetes type mellitus 2.  Objective: to stratify the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in patient with prediabetes of the clinic of the doctor of the family 26 of the University Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada” in Cárdenas’ city, county Matanzas, Cuba. Methods: was carried out an observational, descriptive study, traverse in 120 mature patients diagnosed with prediabetes, from January of 2014 until January of 2015. To the diagnosed patients they were applied the Score of FINDRISC.  Results: it prevailed the feminine sex and the groups of ages of among 40-49 years. The most frequent factors of risk that were identified were: obesity and overweight (38,8%), dyslipidemia (19%) and arterial hypertension (14,1%). The glycemic in you fast altered the diagnostic category that contributed bigger quantity of cases with 53,3% of patient with this condition was. The predominant concomitant illnesses was the obesity and overweight. The moderate risk prevailed of developing diabetes mellitus type 2, with 43 cases representing 35,8% of the total, continued by the group of lightly high risk with 39 patients for 32,5%.Conclusions: the associate concomitant illnesses that more prevailed was the obesity and overweight. It is related directly with cardiometabolic risk factors. They were identified several seemingly healthy patients with prediabetes and with moderate risk of developing diabetes mellitus in next 10 years.Keywords: prediabetes; diabetes; screening; prevention; cardiometabolic risk factors; obesity.


ABSTRACTIntroduction: the prediabetes or disglucemia are considered as a metabolic condition that proceeds to the development of the diabetes type mellitus 2.  Objective: to stratify the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 in patient with prediabetes of the clinic of the doctor of the family 26 of the University Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada” in Cárdenas’ city, county Matanzas, Cuba. Methods: was carried out an observational, descriptive study, traverse in 120 mature patients diagnosed with prediabetes, from January of 2014 until January of 2015. To the diagnosed patients they were applied the Score of FINDRISC.  Results: it prevailed the feminine sex and the groups of ages of among 40-49 years. The most frequent factors of risk that were identified were: obesity and overweight (38,8%), dyslipidemia (19%) and arterial hypertension (14,1%). The glycemic in you fast altered the diagnostic category that contributed bigger quantity of cases with 53,3% of patient with this condition was. The predominant concomitant illnesses was the obesity and overweight. The moderate risk prevailed of developing diabetes mellitus type 2, with 43 cases representing 35,8% of the total, continued by the group of lightly high risk with 39 patients for 32,5%.Conclusions: the associate concomitant illnesses that more prevailed was the obesity and overweight. It is related directly with cardiometabolic risk factors. They were identified several seemingly healthy patients with prediabetes and with moderate risk of developing diabetes mellitus in next 10 years.Keywords: prediabetes; diabetes; screening; prevention; cardiometabolic risk factors; obesity.

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