Hygiene Practice and Protective Management in Biological and Pharmaceutical Laboratory


Throughout the world, Pharmaceutical sector is an instant component in health-care systems. It involved in invention, improvement, propagation, and trading of medicines for human health and animal health. Scientific investigation is the base of pharmaceutical industries which helps to improve of new formulation of various drugs that used to treatment of different diseases and confusions. Proper personal hygiene is mandatory in pharmaceutical sector which will be helpful to control the quality of the products and minimize various types of filth that effects virtue of medicinal product. In pharmaceutical industry hygienic and safety measures are deliberated two utmost significant sights. To ensure the safety of workers, it is compulsory to fix practices of hygienic management and monitoring filth inside the biological and pharma laboratory as well as industry. This study will help to set an occupational health of the researchers, workers in laboratory by making intimation about the bad effects of personal hygiene and less protective management.

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