Views of Secondary School Science, Pre-school and Primary School Teachers on Science Education with Intelligence Games


Science education is important at all educational levels, from pre-school to higher education. For this reason, in this study, it is aimed to determine the views of secondary school science, pre-school and primary school teachers on science education with intelligence games. The research was designed as a qualitative method case study. The study group was formed by random sampling method. Accordingly, a total of 131 teachers took part in the study group in 38 secondary school science, 47 pre-school and 46 primary school teaching branches. Semi-structured interview questions were developed by the researchers and teachers’ opinions were collected online. The data obtained in this way were analyzed by content analysis. As a result of the analysis, six basic themes were reached: definition, education, belief, preference, and problem and solution proposal. Regarding the science education implemented using intelligence games, most of the teachers pointed out that they did not have any education, they regarded these games as an educational tool and that these games contributed to their vocational developments. It has emerged as a solution that games are entertaining, skill-enhancing, interesting and support permanent learning, cost of games and primary school management are problems, associating games with subjects and eliminating the lack of game materials.

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