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Volume 6 Number 2 Year 2023

9 articles in this issue 

Achelia Setiani, Indra Cipta Guna Setia Permana, Kezia Dara Euodia, Nuraini Nuraini, Priska Paramita Pradipta, Istijanto Istijanto

This study aims to examine the factors that influence the parents’ intention to buy early childhood educational toys for their children by extending the theory of planned behavior as a base of explanation. The research method was a survey using online que... see more

Pags. 161 - 176  

Rudolf Lumban Batu, Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Maya Dewi Diyah Maharani

AbstrakJudul dalam penelitian ini adalah Kebijakan Operasional Prosedur Rekrutmen Dan Pelatihan Tenaga Pemasar Produk Agri Pada PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, maksud penelitian ini adalah untuk pengembangan komponen-komponen kunci mutu prosedur rekrutmen da... see more

Pags. 177 - 198  

Estomini Daeli, Imelda Junita

Setiap perusahaan perlu membuat keputusan pemilihan supplier yang tepat karena dapat berdampak pada produktivitas, kelancaran operasional perusahaan, serta perolehan keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan... see more

Pags. 199 - 212  

Aulia Keiko Hubbansyah, Gunawan Baharuddin , Mira Munira

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan potensi wisata dari beberapa alternatif destinasi wisata di Kota Cilegon, dengan mengidentifikasi masalah utama yang menghambat pengembangan destinasi pariwisata dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan destinasi wi... see more

Pags. 213 - 225  

Arihta Tarigan, Edward Sutanto

ABSTRACTAccording to the data from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020, the number of private universities in Indonesia has decreased by 1.73% from the number of private universities in 2019. T... see more

Pags. 226 - 242  

Muhammad Rizal Syifauddin, Iha Haryani Hatta, Prih Sarnianto

Pharmacies continue to grow and make business competition between pharmacies increase and reduce drug prescriptions, that require pharmacies to optimize marketing mix strategies that are useful in building customer loyalty. The main purpose of this study ... see more

Pags. 243 - 258  

Erik Harninta Putra, A. Faroby Falatehan, Harianto Harianto

Human development emphasizes on enlarging people’s choices and improving their well-being. Education is a key to meet the goals of human development. It could be seen through Mean Years Schooling (MYS) as an indicator indicating education achievement of c... see more

Pags. 259 - 271  

Laili Savitri Noor, Bayu Retno, Lies Putriana

AbstrakMinat menjadi ecopreuneur merupakan hal yang harus diapresiasi, apalagi masih dalam kategori usia remaja, di mana banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi dari sisi internal diri maupun dan faktor ekternal sehingga berpengaruh pada perilaku dan keputu... see more

Pags. 272 - 289  

A Faroby Falatehan, Yusman Syaukat, Rizal Bahtiar

The implementation of the Aquascape training is one of the activities of the IPB University's Dosen Pulang Kampung Program. This activity aims to enable ornamental fish cultivators to increase income through business diversification, namely making aquasca... see more

Pags. 290 - 298