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ISSN:    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 14 Number 01 Year 2014

9 articles in this issue 

Faustyna Faustyna

This research aimed to find out the correlation between competence and commitment  to employee performance. Variable competence and commitment simultaneously and partially had positive influence on employee performance.  That means that company ... see more


Amril Latif,Zulkifli Harahap

This research aimed to develop model remuneration based competence existing by model the remuneration in line with the aspirations of employees and conditions institution. This research use type draft research descriptive quantitative by approach phenomen... see more


Bagus Handoko

This research aimed to find out the correlation between motivation  and compensation  to employee satisfaction. Simultaneously motivation  and compensation had positive influence on employee satisfaction.  Partially, motivation had pos... see more


Azuar Juliandi

Performance appraisal in the view of Islam has not been much studied by Islamic scholars, particularly who focused on the areas of management. During the time, performance parameters of the discourse in the literature of human resource management was the ... see more


Yuswar Effendy

The application of the concept of decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia especially in Medan City is still yet to show maximum results as expected, especially regarding for potential revenue.  One of these revenues to the local governmen... see more


Muslih Muslih

This research aimed to find industrial needs about student’s ability and skill during apprentice at company.  This research is descriptive quantitative, which is using questionair to collected data from the respondent. The result showed that, the app... see more


Syafrida Hani,Dilla Ainur Rahmi

This research aims to test the correlation between sales growth, assets structure and external funding structure. Result indicates partially,that sales growth did  not have correlate to external funding structure, neither do assets structure.  S... see more


Hazmanan Khair Pasaribu

Among the reason of choosen assurannce company, performance service is the mostly affected. So that this research aims to find affect of performance service to consumen decision about assurance company.  The result showed that performance service inf... see more