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Volume 6 Number 1-2 Year 1987

10 articles in this issue 

Chairil A. Rasahan

EnglishThe paper is concerned with the problem of conceptualizing the agent's behavior from the observed time series data, and use these observations to derive how would this behavior have been different had the agent's economic environments changed in so... see more

Pags. 1 - 18  

Achmad Suryana

EnglishThe use of Cobb-Douglas profit function has been very popular to agricultural economists. This model, however, has a strict limitation. Estimates resulted by this model will always give elastic own price and output price demand elasticities for inp... see more

Pags. 19 - 28  

Budi Santoso

EnglishCoffee is a commodity classified as the one of the main contributors to the Government income through the small-scale coffee plantation farms. This paper tried to examine factors affected the rate of income earned from the farms, achievements of th... see more

Pags. 29 - 41  

Handewi Purwati S. Rachman

EnglishThis research estimates the short run rice farming returns to scale condition by using Cobb-Douglas profit function model. Size of rice field is assumed as fixed input. Data from six desas in the area of Cimanuk River Basin, West Java, collected by... see more

Pags. 42 - 50  

Budiman Hutabarat

IndonesianMakalah ini merupakan, pertama, suatu pendekatan untuk menyelidiki sikap petani terhadap resiko (risk) di Indonesia. Resiko ini secara eksplisit direfleksikan dalam keragaman produksi yang dihasilkan oleh petani. Kedua, tulisan ini mencoba menge... see more

Pags. 51 - 66  

Achmad Suryana

IndonesianSistim permintaan untuk minyak nabati dan hewani bagi tiga pasar internasional utama dan dua negara produsen diduga dengan model Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS). Pembahasan dititikberatkan pada hasil pendugaan untuk sistem permintaan rninyak n... see more

Pags. 67 - 82  

Pantjar Simatupang,Mewa Ariani

EnglishAccording to economic theory, the ultimate objective of consumers is to maximize their utility. The utility is obtained from consumption of goods and leisure. Labor supply then is merely a mean to get income which later will be used to buy goods. H... see more

Pags. 83 - 93  

Masdjidin Siregar

IndonesianAnalisa fungsi produksi frontier terhadap data yang diperoleh dari 63 petani padi di dua desa dataran rendah pantai utara Jawa Barat menunjukkan bahwa variasi efisiensi teknis produksi padi sangat besar. Dengan keterbatasan data yang tersedia, d... see more

Pags. 94 - 102