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ISSN: 2339-2258    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 8 Number 2 Year 2021

13 articles in this issue 

I Gusti Ngurah Adhi Windu

Abstract: Civics is a compulsory subject especially for senior high school students. Therefore, the students must have complete learning in each of the existing basic competencies. This study aims to improve students' learning outcomes in civics subject t... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Fathia Rosyida,Sutrimah Sutrimah,Garwati Garwati

Abstract: Novels can be interpreted as a form of literary work written by the author without releasing the intrinsic and extrinsic elements. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to find out 1) the form of phrases, clauses, and sentences in Tere L... see more

Pags. 15 - 26  

Cahyo Hasanudin,Wagiran Wagiran,Subyantoro Subyantoro

Abstract: The evaluation of CIPP model is a very complete and comprehensive evaluation model in evaluating a program. This study aims to evaluate online learning for writing subject in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Department, IKIP PGRI... see more

Pags. 27 - 38  

Kuswari Kuswari,Dina Mardiana,Simpun Simpun,Sapriline Sapriline

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the use of the direct instruction (DI) learning model in improving the competence of classroom teachers in SD Muhammadiyah Pahandut Palangka Raya by applying language teaching method in the design ... see more

Pags. 39 - 48  

Ida Yeni Rahmawati,Raya Nurlianharkah,Cahyo Hasanudin,M. Fadlillah

Abstract: Language skills in early childhood has different levels of speed. Many cases occur such as school-age children who have speech delays. Factors that can affect both the parenting style of parents, the methods used in schools and even environmenta... see more

Pags. 49 - 60  

Ambuy Sabur,Dadang Saepuloh,Reva Triana

Abstract: The application of Problem Based Learning model by online learning during the Covid-19 period is one way to improve students' thinking abilities. This research aims to obtain empirical data about the comparison of student’s critical thinking ski... see more

Pags. 61 - 74  

Irfan Efendi,Wagiran Wagiran,Subyantoro Subyantoro

Abstract: In the principle, the goal-free evaluation model has the advantage of being able to consider possible influences, not only those that are planned, but things that are considered as other byproducts that arise from the product, so that novelty ca... see more

Pags. 75 - 84  

Septi Fajarwati,Riswati Riswati,Tri Astuti

Abstract: The process of teaching and learning activities implemented at SD Negeri 3 Tanjunganom still uses conventional methods.  Even though the school has provided android facilities for students to support learning, this has not been utilized pro... see more

Pags. 85 - 94  

Citra Kurniawan,Zuhkhriyan Zakaria

Abstract: Considering the rapid change in learning orientation towards digital-based learning, it is necessary to validate online learning readiness. Several previous studies have discussed the importance of measuring online learning readiness, but very f... see more

Pags. 95 - 116  

Dwi Erna Novianti

Abstract  The development of technology which is increasingly rapid nowadays certainly has a positive and negative impact on student development, especially on character development. The role of integration character education is very needed as an ef... see more

Pags. 117 - 124  

Eka Farida,Supriyanto Supriyanto

The problem of educated unemployment has increased from year to year, this is due to the paradigm that the output of graduates from higher education is as a job seeker, so the application of accommodator learning styles in entrepreneurship learning is ver... see more

Pags. 125 - 132  

Fifi Zuhriah

Abstrak The purpose of this study is to know the influence of History-based Citizenship Education on students’ nationalism of Grade X of SMK. The research method used was duductive-inductive quantitative approach. This approach starts from ... see more

Pags. 133 - 140  

Anisa Nur Qomariyah,Siti Sri Wulandari

This research aims to determine the effect of learning independence and learning infrastructure on the learning scores of class XI students at SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya. The population in this study was 60 students in class XI in the field of Office Governan... see more

Pags. 141 - 154