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Volume 11 Number 2April Year 2020

9 articles in this issue 


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Richard L Neitzel,Stephanie K Sayler,Aubrey L Arain,Kowit Nambunmee

Background: Informal electronic waste (e-waste) recycling is an increasingly important industry worldwide. However, few studies have studied the health risks in this group of workers.Objective: To assess the associations between occupational exposures to ... see more

Pags. PII 1826, - 84  

Vahid Gharibi,Hamidreza Mokarami,Rosanna Cousins,Mehdi Jahangiri,Davood Eskandari

Background: Sleep disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness negatively affect employees' safety performance.Objective: To investigate the relationship between excessive daytime sleepiness with obstructive sleep apnea and safety performance at an oil cons... see more

Pags. PII 1872, - 107  

Basma Hussein Mourad,Yasmin Adel Ashour

Background: For many years, several studies drew attention to the possible nephrotoxic effects of silica and distinct renal dysfunction involving glomerular and renal tubules in workers exposed to silica. Objective: To determine the early signs of subclin... see more

Pags. PII 1886, - 94  

Parham Habibzadeh,Emily K Stoneman

The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, which initially began in China, has spread to many countries around the globe, with the number of confirmed cases increasing every day. With a death toll exceeding that of the SARS-CoV outbreak back in 2002 and ... see more

Pags. PII 1921, - 71  

Sai Krishna Gudi,Komal Krishna Tiwari

In a short span, a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has captured global consciousness by significantly affecting the day-to-day life of humans and emerged as a public health emergency. Undoubtedly, it indicates that lessons learnt from the past epidemics of... see more

Pags. PII 1977, - 12