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Volume 5 Number 2 Year 2023

6 articles in this issue 

Abdul Hasyim Sodiq

Citronella is a biopharmaceutical plant that has the main content of citronella and geraniol as raw materials in the manufacture of essential oils (citronella oil) which have high economic value. The production of citronella increases every year although ... see more

Pags. 41 - 55  

Dede Suhendra

Aren palm (Arenga pinnata Merr) belongs to the palm tribe. The problem that is often encountered in aren palm plants is the low productivity of aren palm plants, this is allegedly because the seeds used are not superior seeds and cultivation techniques th... see more

Pags. 56 - 67  

Nasrudin Nasrudin, Jihad Muhammad

Organic matter can be used to increase the growth and metabolism activities of Cucumis sativus L. plants. Plant growth analysis is a simple method that can be used to determine physiological activities that support plant growth. The study aims to describe... see more

Pags. 68 - 72  


Kebutuhan kedelai di Indonesia semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang meningkat. Kebutuhan kedelai rata-rata mencapai 2,3 juta ton/ha, namun produksi di Indonesia hanya sekitar 800-900 ribu ton. Untuk itu salah satu upaya yang dapat di... see more

Pags. 73 - 77  


Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian limbah cair tahu dan SP-36 terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.). Penelitian ini dilakukan di lahan kebun melon bentiring kelompok tani milenial. Ran... see more

Pags. 78 - 83  

R. Arif Malik Ramadhan, Dhea Nurul Amalia, Indra Permana, Panji Rahmatullah

The decline in chili commodity production is influenced by various factors, including climate anomalies, less than optimal cultivation techniques, decreasing land quality, and pest attacks. Kabandungan District, as one of the chili production centers, can... see more

Pags. 84 - 89